Monday, January 5, 2009

Screw the system!!!!

As you might know, I'm a bit of an anarchist. Not like "Yeah! Anarchy! Death! Destruction! Woo! Funtimes!" but more like I wouldn't really mind it and think it can be a pretty good thing. So yeah, not a fan of uber controlling systems. 

And guess which of the most controlling, nitpicky systems I'm a part of? Girl Scouts. God. I pretty much hate it. They have so many fucking rules, and the representatives are just constantly spouting bullshit about girl development until I want to scream. All the leaders are bitchy, even when they try not to be, because the system is so rigid they have to be. I mean, the whole thing is so robotic. "Do these three (boring ass) activities and we will reward you with a token of how you followed the rules!" 

And then of course, our troop has to be the most system slave of all. We volunteer for every fucking little activity. And then we have to fill out all these piddly little forms that mean pretty much nothing, and then discuss every tiny detail, even though most of the things no one cares about anyway. It's like "Oh, we're preparing you for a future where you will vote on what you have for breakfast every day because we live in a perfect society where everyone has an equal voice!" SHUT UP. 

And don't get me started on the cookies. That is like, the most annoying time of year for me. Sell this many cookies and get a stuffed elephant! Sell sell sell! Sell sell sell! Go wild! Imagine if! Lala! Sell sell! No trans fats! I feel like I'm being brainwashed or something. Do people really want creepy girls (because most but not all girl scouts are seriously creepy system slaves who would wear their tacky little vest to school if they could) coming to their doors every year to sell them creepily named cookies? Once I get out of this idiotic system, I'm never going near one again.

But then, I have a lot of friends in the troop, even if they volunteer us for too much, and I never get to see them. And I know that if I quit my mom will rag on me incessantly to join some other fucked up club. We should make our own club. Something simple and low key, y'know? Where we don't plan every single detail and talk incessantly about yet never actually do anything for the community. 

In other news, my dog is sick with a cold, and it's really sad and pathetic. Sorry for the rant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a Girlscout!! I TOTALLY AGREE!! My Leader is so rigid and controlling.... she had us sign a permission slip so she could drive us somewhere. Awful. But my troop just really does a lot of camping and playing with little kids.

Personally, I actually think cookies are fun. They're tasty. But I agree with the selling. Brain washers extraordinaire. The system is just lucky I like camping and cookies.... ;)