Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aaaand no ball and chain no prison shall keep, we're the rebels of the sacred heart!

I got a haircut. I say this now, in print, because you probably won't notice it tomorrow. On a side note, because I'm actually going somewhere with this, don't you hate it when people get barely noticeable haircuts and get super offended when nobody notices? I want to just say "Just shave your fucking head if you want us to notice, because your little quarter inch of hair on the salon floor is just begging for some company."

No! I was going somewhere with this! Am I the only one who feels super awkward at the hairdresser?

Crap! I need another side note because I just discovered something. I thought I had lost Bridget's book (I was going to tell you, I just wasn't sure it was lost!") but it's just hiding under a pillow on my bed!

Dammit this post had a point and I was going to put a nice little intellectual discussion of the intricacies and social and physical complexities of the relationship between client and hairdresser.

Well, now I've forgotten what I was going to say about all of that so I'm going to take another side note (Although since I've given up I suppose it's more of an end note... Or... Whatever...). I... uh... dammit...


Anonymous said...

I love you Anna. I really do...

Jo March said...

ahhhh! i know what you mean though... like what sort of expression are you supposed to plaster on your face anyway? you can't just look bored... (well i always look like a victim of child abuse and a heroin addict when i look bored- honestly) because that's like... offensive... but they probably don't care about your expression anyway! and then when they ask you what you think... what do you say?! i mean its their ART and you can't, like, insult art. But then again it's YOUR head. and then when you honestly have no idea what sort of hair you want... you just want it to be different and they have to make it all complicated like- "do you want your part on this side or this side or not part at all" and then you have absolutely no idea so you say just say the first one and then you get home and you HATE it! gah!
but um yeah... and i totally agree with bridget. i love you.

Jo March said...

and then you just stare somberly at yourself in the mirror the whole time! which is just plain awkward. and... disconcerting. and then you get those stupid tiny hairs in your shirt!