Friday, January 30, 2009

Daniel Faraday, Daniel Faraday!

I never wrote about how awesome Lost was on Wednesday. It was awesome. And how I love my darling Daniel Faraday! Daniel Faraday makes Physics attractive. I though that would be impossible, but he has. My little soft spoken ADD little quantum physicist! Of course, he just admitted his love for Charlotte, which I knew was going to happen eventually, but still. Is it weird how infatuated I am with this fictional character? Every time he comes onscreen I squee. Yes, squee.

I suppose it's not as weird as people who fall in love with fictional gay sparkling vampires, or, even worse, I've had friends who've fallen in love with anime characters. That's just weird. They're cartoon, for cripes' sake! Ha... cripes... Cripes is a fun word.

I mean, at least Jeremy Davies, the actor who plays Daniel, is real. He likes Physics, too! He's so... lovely! I hope Daniel doesn't die. I might cry. I cried when my old favorite character, Charlie, died. But right then, there was Daniel! Okay, I didn't actually cry. Well, maybe a little. A very tiny bit.

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