Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I didn't have a ver nice evening, no siree.

So, I had my first fencing meet today. I was nervous, no, I wasn't nervous. I was anxious. I knew I wasn't as good as my teammates, and I knew that I would lose at least one bout.

Okay, I don't talk about fencing very much, but I do enjoy it, actually, even though sometimes it becomes a bit of a chore. Suffice it to say that this whole competing thing was sort of thrust on me. I mean, I did want to do it, but I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to be accomodating, which I am, and... I just realized that the blog thinks that perfectly good contractions are misspelled.

Anyway, I only had to do three bouts. And, well, I lost all of them to mediocre fencers. It was very upsetting. Well, I have excuses.

1. This is my first time, and I was shaking like a leaf.

2. In the first bout, I did fine, actually. I'm pretty sure that the director messed up with the scoring, because he said the score was 4-3 in my favor for two of my touches. I was unnerved by this, and lost by one point.

3. In the second bout my opponent was a left handed fencer, and she was actually halfway good. Even halway good lefties are really hard to fence. The regular target is all covered up by the arm, and she hit my arm really hard. At least I got two good touches in.

4. The last bout was the absolute worst. Because of extensive technical problems in the beginning, everyone else had finished and everyone was watching. The whole other team was watching and cheering their person on, which was extremely unnerving and depressing, really.

To make matters worse, my tummy hurts. And for a reason.

It's times like these when I just need to take a long, hot shower, get into my comfiest jammies and crawl into bed with a good movie to watch on my laptop.


Anonymous said...

You're so getting a hug tomorrow. If we could wear sweats to school i would declare tomorrow to be national comfort day.

Anna Power said...

I wish I could wear my pjs to school whenever I wanted. The day would go by so much more easily. Of course, then I would be more tempted to sleep in class than I usually am.