Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dirty Maggie Mae!!! 

That is the name of my new guitar. Do not question its awesomeness. Let me explain where this name comes from (and share exclusive photos!). 

So... (Sorry, I'm a bit distracted, I'm listening to a Beatles album I haven't heard in a while, and it's my favorite song... Allow me a bit of jamming...) Maggie Mae is one of those 30 second Beatles songs that I love. Y'know, like Her Majesty and ummm... Dig it, maybe? Yeah, I love those short sweet ones. 

I'm actually not entirely sure what the song is about. I guess some girl they didn't like called Maggie Mae. Yeah, it's an interesting song. Anyway, it was coming to me because I was thinking about all sorts of musical things, and even though I was planning to give the guitar some kind of flowery hippie name, I decided Dirty Maggie Mae fit much better. Plus the Beatles were like, guitar gods. 

It's a good song, I should figure out how to get one of those fancy pants song playing thingies at the bottom of my blog... We need some more Beatles up in this bitch, man. 

Oh right! I was gonna take some pictures! Ha... 

Editing tidbit: The Beatles are nowhere to be found on that playlist thing. I'm very disappointed.

Another fun fact: You have no idea how long it took me to remember the phrase "up in this bitch". 

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