Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happiness is a warm gun...

I have one more thing to say before I bid my computer good night. 

I have an actual really cool (in my opinion) idea for a story. Wow. I'm thinking it'll be a collection of short stories on this idea, because I have a short attention span, but that could be cool, right? 

It came to me in a dream. I just love dreams, don't you? They always give me inspiration, even when they make no sense (which is usually the case). The dream was about this city, old and crumbling yet modern-ish clockwork at the same time. The people in the dream (no one I knew, they were sort of just the dream ghost people that follow you around) were continually referencing "the madhouses", which in this context meant insane asylums. The whole city was close to empty, though not deserted, because the majority of the population were in "the madhouses". It was all gray and dusky, like post-apocalyptic without the apocalypse, like Gotham before Batman, like a horror story where all the horror is locked away. But why? I intend to find out. 

I'm going to be exploring this city, writing about it. 

A city of tarnished brass and crumbling stone. A city with an asylum on every block. A city where anything already HAS happened. 

The city. 


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! But I'm going to stop encouraging you now. It'll ruin your thought. But if you ever need bits of help, I'm there. Character development and beginnings are my specialty.

PS I'm jealous you can remember your dreams.

Anna Power said...

Remembering dreams is an art, actually. To remember a dream, you have to wake up during the R.E.M. time when you're actually having the dream. I only remember them because I don't get enough sleep usually.

Jo March said...

i like it. it reminds me of "clockwork" by philip pullman.