Friday, January 16, 2009

A couple of random half-secrets/apologies

I never listen to the music on your blogs. I'm sorry if you were trying to create some sort of mood and it was lost on me.

I'm pretty wimpy in most respects. Well, not too wimpy.

Every time I perform on stage, whether it be a simple exercise in acting or opening night of the play, I shake a little bit.

I am very, very indecisive. Well, no, it's not that. I know what I'm going to decide in the end, I just feel the need to argue with myself anyway.

I have odd fantasies. Or daydreams. Or whatever.

I enjoy putting on too much make up and then wiping it off furiously.

I find people of color to be in general much more attractive than white people.

I frequently wonder what it would be like to be a guy. Uncomfortable is what I've come up with.

My family ticks me off a lot more than most people think. My brother's a psycho loser and my mom's a creepy micromanager. I've written a lot of angry poetry about them. My dad's ok, though. Even if he smells terrible from all the cigars he smokes. And he's a republican.

I immediately judge republicans. I'm sorry. I don't hate you for your political opinions, but I can't say that I respect them all that much.

I procrastinate mightily. Sorry for not including some sort of procrastination joke here.

One of my greatest wishes is to know what's going on in everyone's head. Like a mind reader.

On the subject of mind readers, I've decided that this guy in my spanish class is one, so I bug him when I'm bored by thinking weird thoughts and talking to him with my mind.

I don't believe in magic or god. I don't know... It just makes me go "Someone made this up."

Even though I believe in anarchy and all that jazz, I'm a pretty sorry excuse for a rebel.

Sometimes when I'm writing something and get stuck, I mash the keyboard. It never works.

I am a huge sims2 nerd. Huge.

My time of the month completely disgusts me. Ick, ick, ick, ick, ick.

- Okay, this is a bit lame, huh. Uh... Well, I'm getting my braces off next thursday. I'm very excited for next week, actually.

Tuesday-MLK day symposium, not too excited about spending all day with sophomore girls african stamp printing without my beloved Gaia.
Wednesday- The new season of Lost! I rarely watch TV, I just get tons of netflix, but Lost rocks so hard. Very very excited,
Thursday- I get my braces off, as I mentioned before.
Friday- It's a friday! Nothing special, really, but... it's a friday.

Okay, this is getting super long so...


Anonymous said...

You are a procrastinator! "I apologize for not including some sort of procrastination joke here."


Jo March said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! GodfuckingdamnitSHIT anna STOP MESSING WITH MY MIND. AH! AH AH AHHHH!!! CREEEPERR!!!!! in, whoah. that's like everything that's constantly going on in my head, too. like... exactly. VER-BA-TIM. whoah...
you forgot schmultzy's speech on thursday! another reason next week will rock. hard. haha.
whimper- i want to do the african stamp thing too! grumble grumble. i don't think i'm allowed to damn a priest so i won't... but, er, dang papa b.
(why is my word verification always "harrai"? huh.)