Friday, January 30, 2009
Daniel Faraday, Daniel Faraday!
I suppose it's not as weird as people who fall in love with fictional gay sparkling vampires, or, even worse, I've had friends who've fallen in love with anime characters. That's just weird. They're cartoon, for cripes' sake! Ha... cripes... Cripes is a fun word.
I mean, at least Jeremy Davies, the actor who plays Daniel, is real. He likes Physics, too! He's so... lovely! I hope Daniel doesn't die. I might cry. I cried when my old favorite character, Charlie, died. But right then, there was Daniel! Okay, I didn't actually cry. Well, maybe a little. A very tiny bit.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
This shall be good fun...
Anna looks absolutely FANTASTIC!
Anna says "Here comes Kenny!"
Anna wants to break free
Anna does heroin(!)
Anna hates you!
Anna asks her parents how babies are made
Anna likes cat people
Anna eats a bug
Anna wears her sunglasses at night
Anna was arrested for beating her husband
Anna loves Roger Federer
Aaaand no ball and chain no prison shall keep, we're the rebels of the sacred heart!
No! I was going somewhere with this! Am I the only one who feels super awkward at the hairdresser?
Crap! I need another side note because I just discovered something. I thought I had lost Bridget's book (I was going to tell you, I just wasn't sure it was lost!") but it's just hiding under a pillow on my bed!
Dammit this post had a point and I was going to put a nice little intellectual discussion of the intricacies and social and physical complexities of the relationship between client and hairdresser.
Well, now I've forgotten what I was going to say about all of that so I'm going to take another side note (Although since I've given up I suppose it's more of an end note... Or... Whatever...). I... uh... dammit...
We must... protect innocent new German kids from the horror of preppiness!
Or maybe when I grow up I'll magically turn into my obsessively clean mother. Well, she's not obsessive. Thank god. But if a friend of mine is coming over everything must be scrubbed until it shines. Or maybe once a month she'll have us pull out all the stops and we'll have to vacuum every inch of the place.
I suppose all of that isn't too bad. Vacuuming is quick, if terribly loud and clunky. I do hate washing the floor, though. It's like, lifting up the weight of all the steps pressing down with a dirty rag. It's... suffocating.
The worst is when someone cleans my room for me. I like my dirty room. And when it's clean it doesn't feel like mine at all.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oh Daniel Faraday you are the cutest little neanderthal-ish person ever
I really really wish you guys were as obsessed with Lost as I am. How else can we discuss how adorable Daniel Faraday is? Or Desmond? Or Charlie? Or Claire? Or Sun and Jin?
I am so addicted to Lost. Lost is the only tv show I regularly watch. I would say "besides scrubs" after that, but I just buy episodes of that on Itunes. I do love scrubs, though. Shame on the haters of scrubs.
But really, that's all the tv I watch. Every once in a while I'll watch the Daily Show or the Colbert Report with my mom, but that's it. Partly because I lve movies so much more, and partly because I spend so much time on my computer. Ha, you didn't think I was like a good kid, or anything.
Wow, this post is so weirdly formatted because of all of the pictures. Okay, the adorable Korean couple is Sun and Jin, the adorable blonde is Claire, the adorable Scotsman in the blue shirt is Desmond, and the extra extra adorable guy in the tie is Dan.
Monday, January 19, 2009
So... The blues pretty much rock.
Okay guys, Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Etta James, Little Walter, Chuck Berry and Howlin' Wolf totally top the toppingest of the list of the toppest great people in the world. And dammit, Bridget, Chuck Berry was hot.
Anyway, Cadillac Records, awesome movie. It was all about this record company, Chess records, that made all these black singers super famous when everything was still all segregated in the south. It's all about racial issues, record company sleaze, and bringing people together with good music.
First off, the good music. The music was soooo good. I mean, I had heard like, blues and classic rock & roll, never thought too much of it. I actually remember learning about a bunch of these people in music class in elementary school. Yeah, instead of studying boring old fart composers we got to study cool jazz and blues icons. I never knew that they used harmonica so much, or that the guitar was played so skillfully like that. ...I wish I could play guitar like that. All I know right now is the few chords I've taught myself. And... the voices! Beyonce sounded absolutely amazing.
And now... I can't type anymore, since I'm supposed to be going to bed. At 9:40, can you believe it?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
To further reveal my dorkiness

...I made sims of my city characters. What can I say? I tried to email pictures of them to myself to get them on this computer, but I could only get one of Nilay. Still, it's pretty cool.
Nilay Kala is a young Indian man. He’s lived in the city his whole life, but his parents emigrated from India. Both of his parents, his whole family, in fact, have been taken. He even had the bad luck to be there when he mother fell to the illness. So no, he’s not insane. But he’s still pretty messed up. So yeah, his backstory.
He’s an artist, actually. There isn’t much to make art with, and the colors never seem as bright as they used to, but he sculpts with twisted metals and shells of cars.
Nilay lives in his family’s old van, which is decorated with pencil sketches, and he’s made very comfortable. He’s scooped out all the engine parts to use for storage, and taken out the back seats for a sleeping area. He’s scavenged all sorts of bits and bobs which he collects and displays on or inside the car. The reason he’s living in a van and not, say a house, is because it’s been taken over by one of the roaming gangs that’s popped up. He drove the van to escape them and parked in an empty lot when he was about to run out of gas. He’s lived there ever since.
Friday, January 16, 2009
A couple of random half-secrets/apologies
I'm pretty wimpy in most respects. Well, not too wimpy.
Every time I perform on stage, whether it be a simple exercise in acting or opening night of the play, I shake a little bit.
I am very, very indecisive. Well, no, it's not that. I know what I'm going to decide in the end, I just feel the need to argue with myself anyway.
I have odd fantasies. Or daydreams. Or whatever.
I enjoy putting on too much make up and then wiping it off furiously.
I find people of color to be in general much more attractive than white people.
I frequently wonder what it would be like to be a guy. Uncomfortable is what I've come up with.
My family ticks me off a lot more than most people think. My brother's a psycho loser and my mom's a creepy micromanager. I've written a lot of angry poetry about them. My dad's ok, though. Even if he smells terrible from all the cigars he smokes. And he's a republican.
I immediately judge republicans. I'm sorry. I don't hate you for your political opinions, but I can't say that I respect them all that much.
I procrastinate mightily. Sorry for not including some sort of procrastination joke here.
One of my greatest wishes is to know what's going on in everyone's head. Like a mind reader.
On the subject of mind readers, I've decided that this guy in my spanish class is one, so I bug him when I'm bored by thinking weird thoughts and talking to him with my mind.
I don't believe in magic or god. I don't know... It just makes me go "Someone made this up."
Even though I believe in anarchy and all that jazz, I'm a pretty sorry excuse for a rebel.
Sometimes when I'm writing something and get stuck, I mash the keyboard. It never works.
I am a huge sims2 nerd. Huge.
My time of the month completely disgusts me. Ick, ick, ick, ick, ick.
- Okay, this is a bit lame, huh. Uh... Well, I'm getting my braces off next thursday. I'm very excited for next week, actually.
Tuesday-MLK day symposium, not too excited about spending all day with sophomore girls african stamp printing without my beloved Gaia.
Wednesday- The new season of Lost! I rarely watch TV, I just get tons of netflix, but Lost rocks so hard. Very very excited,
Thursday- I get my braces off, as I mentioned before.
Friday- It's a friday! Nothing special, really, but... it's a friday.
Okay, this is getting super long so...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wait! I do have something to say!
You know, I finally stopped being lazy and apathetic and replaced it as my default whatever whatever, because safari was being a bit mean with a bunch of blog aspects. Like, as already mentioned, I couldn't copy and past in a post or comment on Gaia's blog.
So yes, I am grateful that I can do these things now, but it seems to be draining another one of my obsessions. The Sims 2. No, I don't play it on this computer, but you have to know...
I'm a really, really big sims2 dork. Like, really big. Pretty obsessed. And obsessed people like me obsessively read stories that people make with the sims2. But the official story exchange pretty much refuses to load with firefox.
I feel a bit better now that I've admitted my secret passion. Maybe I should post my pictures... No, too early for that. You guys need time to soak in how much of a dork I am.
Anyway, not that anyone cares that firefox is antagonizing me...
I feel like I should post something, but I'm not really feeling the inspiration...
This character in Acting that I made is a zen master who frequently uses fig metaphors.
I've never tasted one. Are they good?
And, well, I'm very much stuck with a poem I love/hate, and very unmotivated. And sticky.
Are figs sticky?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Happiness and joy
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I didn't have a ver nice evening, no siree.
Okay, I don't talk about fencing very much, but I do enjoy it, actually, even though sometimes it becomes a bit of a chore. Suffice it to say that this whole competing thing was sort of thrust on me. I mean, I did want to do it, but I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to be accomodating, which I am, and... I just realized that the blog thinks that perfectly good contractions are misspelled.
Anyway, I only had to do three bouts. And, well, I lost all of them to mediocre fencers. It was very upsetting. Well, I have excuses.
1. This is my first time, and I was shaking like a leaf.
2. In the first bout, I did fine, actually. I'm pretty sure that the director messed up with the scoring, because he said the score was 4-3 in my favor for two of my touches. I was unnerved by this, and lost by one point.
3. In the second bout my opponent was a left handed fencer, and she was actually halfway good. Even halway good lefties are really hard to fence. The regular target is all covered up by the arm, and she hit my arm really hard. At least I got two good touches in.
4. The last bout was the absolute worst. Because of extensive technical problems in the beginning, everyone else had finished and everyone was watching. The whole other team was watching and cheering their person on, which was extremely unnerving and depressing, really.
To make matters worse, my tummy hurts. And for a reason.
It's times like these when I just need to take a long, hot shower, get into my comfiest jammies and crawl into bed with a good movie to watch on my laptop.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Good news!
This could possibly mean that I will be able to comment on Gaia's blog again! Oh joys! (For some reason her captcha dealio wasn't showing up.)
So... A celebratory copying and pasting, then.
The air is a mill of hooks----
Questions without answer,
Glittering and drunk as flies
Whose kiss stings unbearably
In the fetid wombs of black air under pines in summer.
I remember
The dead smell of sun on wood cabins,
The stiffness of sails, the long salt winding sheets.
Once one has seen God, what is the remedy?
Once one has been seized up
Without a part left over,
Not a toe, not a finger, and used,
Used utterly, in the sun's conflagration, the stains
That lengthen from ancient cathedrals
What is the remedy?
The pill of the Communion tablet,
The walking beside still water? Memory?
Or picking up the bright pieces
Of Christ in the faces of rodents,
The tame flower-nibblers, the ones
Whose hopes are so low they are comfortable-----
The humpback in his small, washed cottage
Under the spokes of the clematis.
Is there no great love, only tenderness?
Does the sea
Remember the walker upon it?
Meaning leaks from the molecules.
The chimneys of the city breathe, the window sweats,
The children leap in their cots.
The sun blooms, it is a geranium.
The heart has not stopped.
Ah, Sylvia, it's too bad what happened to you, for you make my heart sing.
Sooo... Wanna hear about my characters? No? Too bad.
Anyway, I have four. Tara, Amery Gibbons, Adalyn Brava and Nilay Kala. I'm going to add more, make no mistake, but these are the main ones so far, the narrators. Most of them sort of fit into the ideas I had for different points of view. Tara is the one in an asylum (though I think I'm not going to have her describe the asylum, her points of view will be flashbacks. Amery is the policeman, going through the motions of a broken system while anarchy rules around him. Adalyn is the outsider to the city, used to light and clear skies, yet craving something different to her previous home that she holds so much disdain for (she's a runaway). And then Nilay, who actually doesn't fit any of the ones that I wrote. He's Nilay, I guess.
I love going on those baby naming sites and finding really cool meaning names for characters. Tara I pulled out of thin air, actually, but it fits her, I think. Amery means justice, which is sooo him. Adalyn is actually, like, me (Note the surname, Bridget, that must have given you a hint). Adalyn means good humor, and I think I satisfy that in both senses of the word humor, plus Adalyn is coming from somewhere where good humor is expected, and going to a place where it's practically unheard of. Nilay means home, which means something that might betray a bit of plot, and Kala means artistic or creative, like skilled, and he's an artist, skilled because he can make a dark, gray city beautiful.
Yaya! I should go finish these things now.
The feet like little bells...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh my it's Sunday now... I hadn't realized. The trials of staying up late, I suppose.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Do insane people use run on sentences?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Bang, bang, shoot, shoot.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happiness is a warm gun...

Dirty Maggie Mae!!!