Monday, December 7, 2009

Go to my Tumblr!!!!!

I put up a bunch of new pictures! And they're really pretty!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Yes, I think it's high time that I posted

It has been a while. The reasons for this are 1. I had (have) a lot of homework and 2. I was writing a novel, which is now finished. Had I been asked while all of this was going on, my reasons would have been 1. I HAVE A LOT OF FUCKING HOMEWORK SHUT UP and 2. I'M WRITING A FUCKING NOVEL SHUT UP. That said, I do have a lot of thoughts to share if I can remember them (I might not... Think Anna think!)

Um, okay, let's see... Well, I was listening to Panic at the Disco the other day, and I realized that they are not as bad as I had previously thought (I went through a period of obsession, then intense music snobbery, then reconciliation). Their newer CD... can't remember the name of it... has lots of cool experimentation and sounds really cool, plus the lyrics are wonderfully bizarre but also applicable. Like "I don't love you I'm just passing the time/ You could love me if I knew how to lie/ But who could love me I am out of my mind/ Throwing a line out to sea/ To see if I can catch a dream" It sounds better in the song, but I can't remember what it's called right now.

Segway into romantic thoughts. I'll be quick. Team Anna's romance started strong early in the season with a respectable homecoming win. But the team's inability to take it any further and follow up the victory, caused by their crippling shyness and awkwardness in the field, has condemned them to a hopeless season.

Wow, these thoughts are not so profound. I had some, I really did! But I forgot them. Well, I guess I have a bunch of thoughts about the novel I just wrote. Truthfully, it's no good. It's simply written too quickly and without enough thought. Just about everything I did with it was for the sake of the word count I needed. Still, I would definitely not say it was a failure, because it was an interesting experiment. I had never written so quickly and so diligently before. I discovered that I can knock out 500 words in one sitting, sometimes even more if I keep myself focused. And there was something really cool about being in a state of constant creation. I thought about my novel constantly, which is good, even if I was just figuring out the logistics of getting my 2k for that day. I finished early, too.

It's weird, though. I usually write so much more methodically. I spend a long time just thinking about what I'm going to write before I write it. Still, the idea is still about half formed when I start writing. And when I do write, I'm very careful about it. I pay close attention to sentence structure and how it all flows on the page. I mean, I write the story, but I make sure it reads well, or at least I try. I did the exact opposite with the novel. I had no ideas, I just made it up as I went along, writing as quickly as I could and paying absolutely no heed to the structure and flow of it.

I also used description a lot more, though it came out a little lopsided and awkward because I'm not used to describing things in detail at all. Really I'm just not good at it, for some reason I'm bad at finding the words to associate with the pictures in my head. I can usually come up with a detail or two, which is nice and helps bring in some symbolism. But I think I'm also vague because I don't actually like much description. As a reader, I mean. When I'm reading something that describes everything in excruciating detail, I have trouble pulling it all together and picturing it. I much prefer a quick sketch of things, with only important details mentioned. Of course, sometimes I don't even do that. I don't know, maybe it's the whole midwestern thing. Too polite. I don't want to force anything on people, I guess I sort of want them to feel that it's their story somehow, and not mine.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Where the Wild Things Are is SOOOOO GOOD. SOOO GOOD. If you haven't seen it yet, I will see it again with you. Really. It's SOOOO GOOD.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I get the coolest ideas in the shower

Social experiment that should be tried at Breck!!!! Cleverly titled, "The Island", in this experiment people from various groups who don't know each other very well would be put in a group. This group would only be allowed to talk to other people in the group and teachers. And then we see what happens.

Issues this would address:
Friendship- does it mean sharing interests with someone, relying on them, or something else entirely, like a comforting habit?
School groups (psh, cliques)- Most people have at least one thing in common. Can we go from there and use forced social interaction to create new groups? How did the old groups get there in the first place?
As you get to know someone better and understand their reasoning behind their actions, etc., do you like them more or dislike them more?

...It sounds cooler in my head, I guess. Once I think about it a bit more it'll translate better.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The threat is not real, people, but it might be, so...

I just saw the movie Zombieland. (By the way, Gaia, I also saw Fight Club the other day and DUUUUUUUUDE) Now, for some, at the back of their brain they are always planning the ultimate treehouse. Me, I'm always planning and replanning zombie defense strategies. Yup, ever since I saw the beginning of 28 Days Later (Never actually was able to finish the movie, sadly). Considering weapons, rations, and shelters. Sometimes when I meet people I figure out how saw I would be if I had to kill them if they turned into zombies.

This new movie Zombieland only brought these things to the surface. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, of course (You all would probably hate it unless you enjoy the whole zombie thing). Me and the main character share a fear of clowns. Seriously, whoever invented clowns was on sick motherfucker. The only reason I worry about zombies is because out of all the creepy movie monsters, they are the most plausible. Not the old-timey movie zombies who were "reawakened" from the dead by a voodoo priest, but more like the 28 Days Later or Resident Evil zombies, who actually some sort of disease that makes them vicious. Think about it: Vampires- magical (Except for the Peeps series by the guy who wrote Uglies) Werewolves- magical, Lagoon creature-..., Frankenstein- impossible (Although actually, if you had a living brain... never mind) But ZOMBIES, man, ZOMBIES.

So I'd just like to spread awareness. If for some reason there was a zombie outbreak, our biggest disadvantage would be not having a plan. We have plans to deal with natural and man-made disasters, wars, famines, but not zombies. That means that we would be taken completely by surprise, going "OMG ZOMBIEZ!!!" while being eviscerated alive.

I'm not saying we should waste government money on zombie missiles or research or whatever. I'm just saying, hey, make a plan. Outline it in a file, put it somewhere you can find it, and consult it if zombies appear. Things will go much more smoothly.

Before I go, a few of my own zombie theories and strategies. First, I think that zombies will most likely be caused by some sort of parasite. We already know of several parasites that take over their hosts so much that they actually control them completely. Granted, their hosts are ants and snails, but it could happen that a parasite evolves that uses humans as hosts. I theorize that these parasites would enter a host's brain and consume everything but the medulla oblongata, which connects to the spinal cord and controls movement. In essence, the hosts would be dead, but the parasites would be able to control their movements through the spinal cord. The parasite would then reproduce, and make its host seek out other possible hosts to infect, probably by some sort of bite. These zombies would be able to move fairly normally until injured, but their biggest strength would be that they cannot feel pain and they do not stop. These zombies would have to be killed immediately. Their medulla oblongata must be destroyed or at least disconnected from the spinal cord. Any other injury is merely a hindrance and would not stop them. Another strategy is to simply break their back, paralyzing them. NEVER LIGHT ZOMBIES ON FIRE. It NEVER works. All you get it a flaming zombie, which is worse than before.

Anyway, like any of you care. Hmph. See if I let you in my fort when the zombie apocalypse comes.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I expect I shall be considered presumptuous in mentioning it again, especially as in discussing it I shall depart from the methods of other people. But, it being my intention to write a thing which shall be useful to him who apprehends it, it appears to me more appropriate to follow up the real truth of a matter than the imagination of it; for many have pictured republics and principalities which in fact have never been known or seen, because how one lives is so far distant from how one ought to live, that he who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Something of a profound day

Yes, actually. Quite profound.

At first it was nothing special. I did homework. Then we went to service.

We were helping seniors play bingo. I was paired up with an old man who was disabled. He sat in a wheelchair and looked like he was falling asleep most of the time. I had to put the chips on the spaces for him. Every once in a while, though, he would sort of wake up, and get excited. He might have been a stroke victim, because he couldn't really speak well and he had the sort of voice that people have when they've learned to speak again. Then another old man was placed at our table. He greeted the my old man jovially, and was responded to with what amounted to a string of gibberish. And it was sad because you could tell it was excited gibberish and he was really happy to see this other man. The other man stared at him for a little bit, at a loss for words. Finally, not taking his eyes from the man, he said "You look good."

I'm just going to completely skip over the extremely awkward and embarrassing event in the middle of the day here, except to say I apparently now have a date to homecoming.

Then in biology, Ms. J was talking to David and I, saying she put us together as partners because we would write a really good prairie plot study paper, and pretty much saying we were the only kids in the class any good at biology (This is true.) So I said, "Yeah, I like biology." Because I really do. And she replied "Good! It likes you!" Which was really a great compliment because I think ultimately I want to do something in the field of biology when I grow up. Like, conservation activism, ecology, life systems, things like that. So that's great.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


rhuefhiwu!!!! Anni Rossi!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! SO COOL!!!!!

I can't tell if it is a violin or a viola. It is a bit big for a violin, so probably a viola. Who knew violas could sound so nice? (I used to be a violinist so I reserve the right to make fun of the viola. Really it usually sounds quite nice.)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bits and pieces... um something something semblance of a whole?

It's like "put together to create" or something like that.

I am thinking about the Walker right now, obviously. Y'know, since on the one wall it says that. I like the Walker. Most of the time. You have to be in the right mood to appreciate some of the stuff there.

I biked there this summer with my friend Ella. There was an exhibit there called "Live Forever" by a woman called Elizabeth. They were very pretty portraits of people. And they were good likenesses, but they weren't, like, uber-realistic, so it was all very organic and natural and pretty.

Also there is a sculpture there that never fails to freak the hell out of me. It is right by one of the entrances, and it is one of those mascots, y'know? Like football game ones, that freak me out anyway (Who's REALLY under there?), except it's sort of sprawled on the floor. It is SO scary. It looks like any second it's going to stand up and start murdering people.

We also sat on a bench facing the big windows in those couches with the headphones and listened to... John Cage, was it? Whoever it was, it was weird and hilarious. This dude telling the funniest stories. One was where he was visiting his aunt and helping her do laundry and she said "I love this washing machine more than I love your uncle." And then there was this really long story about a lady and her four cats and a chihuahua and how they all somehow got poisoned by shrooms. Or something like that.

I cannot remember some things well. Also there is a painting there that is just black. Also there is a talking dolphin. It answers questions.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You win, Bridget

Not that you were aware that we were fighting. It was more of an internal conflict whether to copy you or not in the whole new school resolutions (Although I won't do the alphabet because that doesn't work and I don't have that many things... more like just general ideas.)

'Kay, so...

MUSIC- I intend to listen to more music than ever before. I now have headphones for my ipod gift, which is just a magical box of treasures. It's so fun to just put it on shuffle and see what comes up. I also am going to practice guitar like a maniac because I truly enjoy playing and want to improve so that the band formerly known as Con the Church Man (You know Gaia, you said that that should be the name... I just said it would be a cool band name. Or maybe it was Bridget?) can be cool and we can just play together and sound nice and write songs or whatever.

ART- I am truly no artist, and don't intend to be, except in the performing variety of course. However, I am fascinated by photography and such. I'd like to take more pictures, master photoshop (Just to tweak colors and crop, really) and post the results on my fancy new tumblr.

SLEEP- I intend to get more of it. No unnecessary internet trawls that keep me up half the night. I get too tired in the morning. On that topic, I'm cutting down on internet time as well. Not because I don't enjoy it, but because it gives me less time to do other things.

SCHOOL- Sure, I got A's last year, but it was easy and I didn't have/want to try hard. This year is harder, yes, but I also intend to not slack off, and truly put in more effort. I also intend to participate in clubs and knock off a sizable chunk of service hours.

So yeah, should be fun.

I got a tumblr... why?

Oh, I suppose there is a reason. I mean, I have wanted to get into photography more and post more pictures. But I don't quite feel like doing it on here, where they might get cut off and the quality might be lame.

But mostly because I was reading Cody Weber's and it made me feel all emo and inspired. Cody Weber/Wren/Saturnine Films is a youtube atheist (also musician, poet and photographer) who I follow. He has a very dramatic and poetic life.

Click here for drama

Oh, yes, I suppose you'll be wanting the url for mine now.

Click here for not drama

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm sleeepy

And I would love to shut my computer and close my eyes but right now it's 3:24 AM and I am immersed in paranoia. Yes, sleep deprivation comes in stages. The giddy, the scared, the confused. It's a lot like life because it is.

Youtube is helping me.

Friday, September 11, 2009

And now it is a useless piece of plastic. Damn.

Guess who rocks?!?! My dad's cousin Tad!!!!! He's this way cool music critic writer. WAY COOL. And so we were talking for a bit at the family reunion this summer about how much I would like to broaden my musical horizons and listen to way cool stuff more but am held back by shortage of funds and direction and loss of my computer, which I can at least use to access pandora.

He remarked in what I assumed was in an offhand and purely speculatory way that he could send me his old ipod, because he had a new one now and the old one had like 4000 songs on it or something. I said that would be WAY COOL, but never thought this would actually happen (he lives in New York).

BUT IT DID GUYS IT SO DID. There is everything from Deerhoof to Ella Fitzgerald to Killing Jake to M.I.A. to Kiss!!!!

Unfortunately I must return to my title, since I am currently at my dad's house with no headphones (I had my brother's for a minute but he took them back) or any means of connecting the delightful machine to my computer. But still it's WAY COOL RIGHT GUYS.

On another note, I was absolutely giddy in A.P. Euro today because Mr. Bell was being hilarious and lovely so my notes are now a tad... ridiculous. A quote- "TWO POPES OMG WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!OMG WHAT IS GOD TRYING TO SAY WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT IS REAL ANYMORE?!?!?!?OMG COULD THIS THREATEN MORE THAN JUST THE CHURCH’S POWER?!?!?!?!"

I was giggling the whole time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's your favorite Vivaldi Four Seasons Season?

Mine's Autumn. Or maybe Summer. It's a toss-up. Haha, Season's season.

My interesting observation about the school year so far: It favors schoolwork much more over socializing. Yes, very few friends in my classes. Just enough that I don't go crazy from loser loner-ness, but not any more than that.

Oh well. Hee I had Four Seasons stuck in my head all day except all weird and mixed up since I have no idea what order everything goes in. I was enjoying it. I just love that part that goes all... uhh... DoooOOOooo dooOOOooo DOOOOO! Obviously that's not very helpful but it's the best I can do. Go away.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Farm Fest, '09!!! Jak se mas?

Haha, I bet you are so dumb you don't even know what Farm Fest is. Either that or it's just a bizarre family ritual that I hardly ever think about, much less talk about, until labor day weekend rolls around, so I never would have mentioned it ever unless you asked. So here's the story- My maternal grandparents moved onto a farm when my mom was in like second grade, and raised their children there. These children are comprised of my aunt Mary Beth, my aunt Carol, my mom, my aunt Nancy, my uncle Frank, and my uncle Scott. So yeah, like, big ol' Catholic Czech family (We are verrry czech. This farm is in a town called NEW PRAGUE.) Um so, this farm was sort of this huge thing and kinda taken for granted by everyone, but all in all a cool place to grow up and learn life lessons and shit, and I had some fun times there too. BUT THEN! My grandparents were getting older, and a decision was made to move into town. They have a nice little house now, even if it is in one of those creepy cookie cutter neighborhoods where all the houses look the same. BUT THEN! My uncle Frank decided to buy the farm. Actually just the house and the buildings and some of the land around it, not the actual field thingies. So every labor day weekend we celebrate the farm by camping out there, playing capture the flag, and sitting around talking by the fire. Also, the adults enjoy getting their drunk on and making me get them beers. Do you know how to work a keg? (Well, maybe you do.) I do, anyway.

SO! This year was sort of hilarious with a bit of hysterical drama, so I feel I ought to mention it. It started out the same as any other. Sitting in the garage, chatting, eating bars and the like. There's always a pack of small boys running around. My mom's friend Kevin was there for the first time, since he had proved to be impervious to our weirdness at my brother's graduation party, where he spent the whole time playing tag, hide and seek, ghosts in the graveyard and capture the flag with us kids. We were just starting out on the first game of capture the flag when things started to get weird.

My uncle Frank was chasing my uncle Scott off of our team's side when Scott's dog Cupcake (He has twin daughters, I'm pretty sure that name was not his idea.) runs up behind him, sending Frank tumbling. Frank did something of a somersault, sat for a second, admonished Scott, and returned to the game. We were walking back to our side after the game when he stopped, staring at the giant teepee of wood that was for the bonfire later. "Who BUILT that?" He asked, in his big, goofy voice. Frank has such a voice and a manner that it is almost impossible to take him seriously. (He is also a notorious bullshitter.) We were all laughing at him, telling him HE had built it three days ago, but he didn't seem to believe us. In the next few games he just sort of stood around, looking confused. On further interrogation from my aunts, who take things more seriously than most, it was revealed that he didn't know when he had put his shirt and glasses back on, didn't know what time or day it was, and didn't know why we were all there. This was when he was taken to the hospital, where we are told that on the way there he asked the same five questions over and over.

We sort of half forgot about him for a bit. At least I did. There was a humongous bonfire, and we were roasting marshmallows and hanging around. My mom was getting steadily ahead of everyone else in the drunk race, and after Frank came home with a concussion, but otherwise fine, she got veritably hammered. Hilarious, yes, by Giffin the woman was actually hiccuping, but slightly embarrassing as well. Frank didn't remember much about the last few hours, but what he did remember he said he saw in a dream. No worries, though, he just shrugged and had a beer.

Play a mean game of capture the flag? Do you like mosquitoes? Like, all of the mosquitoes that were hiding this year so they could go to Farm Fest? Enjoy Bruce Springsteen and muffins? Think head injuries are funny and weird? Know the ins and outs of a keg? Know what the hell Jak se mas means?* Then YOU JUST MIGHT BE INVITED TO FARM FEST NEXT YEAR!!!!!!

*I admit I didn't know this myself until this year. I know zero Czech. Well, I know a few random words, but have no idea how to spell them. By the way, it's pronounced Yahk say mahsh.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Okay, so, sophomore year, yah?

My backpack is the heaviest it's ever been. Yikes.

Most annoying backpack related thing ever: Parents getting mad at you because your backpack is too heavy and expecting you to be able to do something about it. What, do they think we just fill them with bricks for fun?
I need all the books in my backpack. Do I wish I could carry less? Hell yeah. Can I? NO.
And the worst part is you can't get too mad at them (Well, you can if you want) because you know they're all well-meaning and shit and they don't want you to become a hunchback or anything.

Eh. Eh. Eh.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A-post-a-month no more! My precious laptop is back in my arms.

So... you'll be hearing from me more while I succumb to the poisons of the internet.

Monday, June 29, 2009

When I think of my titles all I can hear is my own breathing.

I would like to talk to you all about a subject I'm sure we all know well, a subject that is slowly falling behind the times, a subject that you might be thoroughly sick of. I am talking, of course, about the Harry Potter books.

Yes, they're over and done with. Yes, I'm one of those crazy people who rereads them every summer. Yes.

And yet I can't help drawing attention to the supremely rehashed fact that Harry, his friends and his adventures have had a profound effect on our generation. My peers, who now consider themselves far too old for Harry Potter, were at the perfect age when the books began, so that the maturity of the books increased with ours. Had we been too young, we might have been slightly scared of the gradually darker themes, had we been too old, we would have thought ourselves above caring about such silly stories.

The small, dark haired boy is deeply engrained in our culture. Whatever the pessimists say, he will always be remembered. I, for one, intend to introduce it to any children I may have, recalling as I do the evenings sitting on my mother's bed as she read us the earlier volumes.

Now... Who wants to see the next movie and make snide comments about the woeful inaccuracies with me?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

*sigh* (Have I already made a title like that?)

ENDLESS picture scanning for my brother's graduation party. Not fun.

My subconscious is a scary thing.

I enjoy things like happening upon cool youtube atheists.

I enjoy things like youtube.

It makes me sad when there are no comments on my blog posts, even though I know it's because people aren't on the computer as much.

I drove for the first time yesterday. It was pretty fun. Very bumpy, since I wasn't exactly driving in the road.

The question is, do you care?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear Brain,

You disappoint me sometimes.


Iowa Shotgun wedding!

It wasn't a shotgun wedding, actually. But on the way there I came up with a new twist on the whole kooky cute road trip movie. Yes, exactly. Gay Iowa shotgun wedding road trip. Whee. It was a lovely wedding.

We biked downtown for the farmer's market today. It was pretty nice. I do like Minneapolis a lot.

WAY COOLER THAN ST. PAUL AMIRIGHT? I totally don't understand people who hate Minnesota that much. We are actually a supremely rocking state. Except, supposedly we all get SAD. Seasonal something disorder. Actually it's Seasonal AFFECTATION disorder.

However... (you were waiting for this, right?) I was very frustrated, creeped out and amused by some events and characters at the market. Two women, one dressed entirely in pink (decorated with glittering "princess"'s to boot) and another with a cast on her arm. The woman in pink was "healing" the other woman's arm by loudly repeating "Lord Jesus" over and over. "Lord Jesus this. Lord Jesus that. Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus wears a hat." On the sidewalk in the middle of the farmer's market. When we walked by again, the woman with the cast was sitting with a little asian girl from a nearby store and trying to convert her.

Also, we passed some sort of scientology center on the way. They had books with volcanoes on them and personality tests.

Crazy people are scary.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Haven't had access to a computer in a week.

I've been sitting at home alone, draped over various pieces of furniture reading horrible guilty pleasure fantasy books. I did actually have a brief poetic mood in which I wandered around my room, writing terrible hilarious poetry on random bits of paper that were lying around. They are so bad they make me giggle with their pretentiousness. I am just way too pretentious to be a good poet, really.

So yeah, no computer. I was sorta thinking it might be fun, but then I realized I HAD NOTHING TO DO. Hmm... look around the house, there's my guitar. I can only play the three songs I know, because I can't look up tabs. Oh, look in the kitchen. All of our cookbooks are full of super hard recipes, can't look up anything easy. Oh, look at the garden. There aren't even any weeds. Oh, look at the nice sunny lawn. That gave me sunburn when I resorted to sunbathing. Oh, look at my bike in the garage. Don't know where to go without a map.

Pllllphbtht. I did go to my brother's graduation. It was sort of interesting. I got sushi afterwards, except I think it was actually sashimi because there was no seaweed.

I suppose I'll have to make myself a sandwich now.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I had this neck spasm thingy last night. It hurt like a bitch and I couldn't move my head without intense pain. This was 2:30 in the morning. The doctor lady at urgent care pretty much just told me to take advil, put ice on it, and stretch it.

Then my lovely stepmom came over cuz she's a rockin' massage therapist. She did some funky thing that popped some stuff around and now I feel a lot better. However, if it stiffens up again I might not be able to go to school tomorrow.

Which would suck, yah?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

...I wanted to share.

Yeah, backing up my writing. Going through it as well. I quite like this little gem.In it's own way, of course. It was pretty much me just writing whatever popped into my head.

Jack Kerouac and I sat on the rim of the teacup. He looked over at me some sort of secret joke in his one good eye, and opened his mouth.
“Why do you always start these things with non-movement, darling? They stood. She sat. I lounged. Bla bla bla set the scene. Also, why are you suddenly imagining me with an eyepatch?” He said, half thoughtfully and half sarcastically, gripping the smooth edge with his wrinkled, solid hands. I scratched my nose.
“Oh, I don’t know, trying to think quickly, I suppose. Practice for my novel.” I scratched again. Itchy itchy. He patted me on the shoulder.
“Well, let me tell ya something, sweetheart. If you’re so hung up on this inspiration stuff for your novel, you shouldn’t sit here and think about it, you should go do something and write about it. That’s good literature. Not some whiny little pansy complaining about their lack of experience.” He swirled his shoeshined feet in the murky liquid as he said this, and I smiled a little.
“Oh, like you’re Mr. Experience. Yeah, sure, you did some crazy shit and wrote about it, but how much of what Sal Paradise and his Frisco New York beat did was true?” I looked at him accusingly, and he shrugged and smiled. “Besides, how am I going to do that kind of stuff? I can’t even drive yet. Ah, how horrible to be smart and bored and disillusioned before you can do anything about it.”
“Well now look at that, pansy whiner, prime example, right there.” He raised his voice, turning away slightly. It was obvious he didn’t like pansy whiners.
“But no!” I rushed to defend myself. “The pansies whine about their lack of experience because they are scared to experience things. I whine about my lack of experience because I can’t experience anything. Hey,” I stopped suddenly in my meandering rant explanation, another thought popping into my head. “Remember that movie? You know, the one where the dad in the family pretty much hates American society but he loves to invent stuff, so he takes the family deep into the jungle and eventually makes an organized community there, effectively creating what he was running away from, and then he goes kinda nuts and is always trying to settle in new places, settling into new ways of life?” Jack nodded. Neither of us could remember the title, of course. Good movie, though. But anyway. “We should totally do that! We could buy a little boat, fit it out for a trip or whatever, like, a sailboat? Yeah, a sailboat! Maybe with a motor or something in case there’s no wind. Or a paddle. Or a bunch of paddles. Or some oars. Yeah, so a boat. And then we’d sail around where there’s no big cities, and we’d catch fish and eat lots and lots of sushi. And we’d have tea at one in the afternoon every day like clockwork and steal the finest bone china from the sitting room of the Queen of England just for the pleasure. Well, you can have tea, I’ll have coffee. No, actually, we’re both red blooded Americans, and tea is unpatriotic. That’ll be a slap in the face to the queen, drinking coffee out of her finest china teacups. Shame for her, she seems like a pretty nice lady, tottering around the palace. Maybe we should steal it from the White House. Or Putin! Putin’s a scary man, I’m sure he has a nice set of china around, we’ll steal it. Or trade for it. I bet Putin’d go for that, yeah, definitely. Okay, so we’ve got the boat and we sail around and we eat sushi and drink some coffee during teatime to stick it to those silly brits, and we find some sort of island that’s terribly beautiful, like so beautiful it hurts to look at it every morning, which is why we’ll sleep in, either that or be masochists. We’ll need to find an island because I do have a bad seasickness problem, and while I’m sure I could handle it for a little while the constant puking would probably get old, and life on the sea can be pretty rough. And we’ll bring some sort of weak willed man with us who can impregnate me if I suddenly decide I need a child, because no offense Jack, but I’m afraid you might be dead and if you aren’t, I’m not sure you’d be up to it, I’m pretty sure that sort of thing has an expiration date if you know what I mean. So this island, we can totally pretend it’s like the island on Lost and it moves around and we can travel through time and stuff like that. And would you look at that this rant has pushed me over eight hundred words. This whole novel thing is going to be way harder than I thought. Well, I’ll keep going, might as well go for a thousand. So, we’re on the island with maybe a handful of weak willed individuals who we can lead and be benevolent rulers to them and all that. They’ll run errands for us and massage our feet suggestively and we’ll give them sage wisdom in return and keep them all from the brink of disaster. We’ll also breed exotic varieties of sheep on the island, by crossing a few that we brought with us on the boat to the large wild population on the island. And we’ll climb trees and film monkeys doing funny mating dances and take too many pictures of sunsets and we’ll write on rocks with permanent marker that’s absolutely permanent and we’ll give each other homemade tattoos and we’ll do all this because we want to make our mark on the world. We want to be remembered. We want our lives to have meant something, something that we choose. We’ll choose to be benevolent leaders of a terrifyingly beautiful island in the middle of an ocean who breed sheep, because we don’t want to be normal. We want to be incredibly abnormal.” I finished almost blue in the face, deflated.
“Well hon, you made one thousand words. That wasn’t so hard. 50,000 more to go in November.”


I can't wait for my America is okay I guess sometimes T-shirt to come. Yes, I ordered it. I love T-shirts. My mom just got me one as an end of the school year present. It is a pimped out design of a Beatles CD cover, Let it Be. EEEEEE!!!!

So... One day of school left! It always takes a while to really hit me. I am going to miss my computer, but I could probably do without its evil influences for a while. OHSHITOHSHIT I KEEP FORGETTING TO BACK UP MY WRITING STUFF! SHITSHITSHIT

Aaaaaanyway. I'm so excited because next weekend I'm going to my mom's friend's wedding. In Iowa. Hee hee. A lesbian wedding! It will be amazing.

Ever since Iowa has legalized gay marriage I've been snickering at Minnesota. I mean, Minnesotans are always the ones making snide jokes about how stupid and hillbilly Iowans are. Irony irony irony you sweet motherfucker. I'm hoping those legislator dudes can take a hint now.


Thursday, May 28, 2009


I went exploring in my very own backyard!

I found a caterpillar. I put it on my cat.

I am covered in flower petals and pine needles.

Feels like poetry.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I think I have a bizarre Mary Lucia fetish.


Okay, so Con the church man has to become a really awesome Minnesotan band so that we can be on The Current and I can meet her and give her a hug.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Arguing with my dad. I think he let me win. But, well, no. Not really. I don't think people argue with him very much.

I love greek food.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The funny thing is the veins would give it all away in so many heartbeats to the greedy sucking needle.

My mom brought me into urgent care today. I've had a cold and lots of fatigue for almost a month now, and the sore throat has been getting pretty bad, along with stomachaches at the beginning of the month.

I was pretty out of it the whole time, thinking random philosophical and poetic thoughts about hospitals and stuff.

So I don't have anemia or mono, which is nice. I might have some thyroid thingy but the doctor said that I probably didn't. Apparently I probably have some sort of stomach acid problem, which if I take the medicine and the symptoms go away will be proved.

I need to sleep. And do my homework tomorrow.

I don't feel well today.

Or all week practically. But never mind. On with the show.

I saw The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures. Last night. At the Guthrie. It's by Tony Kushner.

It was amazing and though provoking and fast paced and crazy and wild and INTELLIGENT.

It made me happy. It made me sad. It made me a lot of things.

Also, sort of unrelated to the play, I think I saw my spanish teacher there, and Ben Uke as well.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Facebook gets more boring and lame every time I visit it.

Dr. McNinja is possibly the most hilarious webcomic ever. Ninjas and docs FTW.

I am extremely addicted to college humor.

My fondest memory of freshman year? A cranky Justin Lee, on a morning of all school chapel, irritably responding to unwanted attention from the row behind him by saying "Fuck Jesus."

Fuck Jesus indeed.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am tired tired tired in my bones.

Hour bike ride, hour's rest, and then hour and a half of fencing. With another ten minutes of conditioning added just to torture us. Pushurpies are the work of the devil.

Enough whining about crotch sweat and antsy bikers (Dude, just give up, I'm going the exact same speed as you and there's no room, oh look, there's another bike coming, looks like you gotta go back, boo hoo or Why are they going so slow? I'd pass them, but they're about as far left as they can go, which is totally impolite to other bikers, and why do they keep looking back? It's not like I'm tailgating them. I know how to bike, It's not like I'm going to run into them. Maybe if they'd let me pass they wouldn't have to worry so much.)

Oops. Hehe.

I just want to stretch out in bed and analyze a Tamora Pierce book. They used to be my favorites. I guess they're still good, but eh... slightly annoying occasionally.


Friday, May 15, 2009


So there was a bishop at school today. She was pretty okay I guess.

I want THIS shirt. So... If you love me truly, you will give it to me, right?

You won't. I hate you. You never let me have any fun.

I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Don't leave me.


It's all right. I've found someone else. Someone who bought me the shirt. Too late. You lose.

Okay, if you're desperate to buy me a shirt, I can think of a few others...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


No more Lost until 2010.

If there is any proof that there is a God and I am being punished for my nonbelief, this is probably it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Did you know?

If you have all of your friends' blogs open at once and let all the music play, you see rainbows and eat their souls.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I saw the Star Trek movie. It was awesome. I might make a video about it once I get more energy. I've had to walk around all day on a bowl of Ramen because the even the thought of eating something makes me nauseous. Although I'm feeling a twinge of hunger right now, so that's good.

Anyway, if I don't regain the energy to make a video I'll post all my thoughts on it here.

Live long and prosper.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ugh. Sick.

As long as I stay still I don't feel like I'm about to puke.

Watching old Star Trek episodes because I have no motivation to study.

Shut up. They're entertaining. Although ridiculously sexist. The one girl on the ship does nothing but prance around in revealing costumes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



So, yeah, Laramie Project. Starting was good. Ending was good. Middle was garbled, mixed up nonsense. I am still a bit aggravated. WE SKIPPED SEVEN SCENES ENTIRELY!!!!!!! SEVEN!!!!!!

All right, let me see if I can explain this a bit more rationally. Since the play is basically just one big scene, with no one going on or off and no changes of scenery, it is divided into a ton of little "moments". There is almost no way to keep track of all of these moments. People circulate constantly, so you pretty much have to rely on cues. If you miss a cue, or someone fucks up your cue, you're basically screwed. We had a few small mistakes at first that I won't agonize over, but then somebody really fucked up. Just after the scene with the homecoming parade, there's a scene, and then I have a scene, and there's a scene with the reverend and Amanda Gronich, and then they actually REPORT that Matthew dies, and ALL THIS SHIT! I guess there are a lot of people to blame. The person that didn't come in with their scene. Whoever jumped in suddenly with some scene much later. I guess we're all to blame, really, for not realizing something was wrong. Once we realized it, there was nothing we could do. We couldn't go back. No one knew what to do, so we just kept going with whatever.

I guess I'm not as mad as much as I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to performing my scene, and looking forward to seeing the ones that were coming up. There was some big things that we missed. I feel bad for people like Ahsha and Elizabeth, who had a good and informative scene that got missed, although that was a different screwup. I feel bad for Natalie and Ben, too, who had a big scene. I especially feel bad for Max, he had a lot of his biggest part in the play skipped.

We've been working on this the whole quarter, and we had one chance to get it right. And I guess we did, I mean, the parts that we got right were great, everyone did really well, I think. But we had one chance to get it right, and we fucked it up.

We did ok. I'm sure the audience got a little confused but didn't really notice much. But for me, and all of us, I guess, as actors, even if the audience didn't know how badly we fucked up, WE did.

ARGH angry whiny blog post makes me feel slightly better. How did you like it Gaia?


Getting more and nervous about the performance! Almost an hour until we begin! MEEEEEP!

I'm not THAT nervous, but the worst situations are running through my head. Like, I'm late, or I have to go to the bathroom, or some bad shit happens. I know it won't, but there'll probably be at least one screwup. We're just kids, and some of us know our lines better than others. It's funny how many things can go wrong with the setup when it's just rows of chairs and a table.

But whatever. It's cool.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Finals, OH SHI-


Um yeah. Finals next week. I'm not too worried, but yeah I am a little bit. I definitely slacked off more this semester than I did last one. So... Spanish will be a breeze, the Acting final is the Laramie Project performance, which I'm sure I'll do well on unless I suddenly choke, Physics... I don't even want to think about Physics right now, I'll just have to reread each of the readings seven times, English doesn't seem so bad, I've got the vocab down, I'll have to study those pesky phrases and then come up with some sort of essay, Math'll be lovely, Iserman's such a sweetheart. He basically gave us a packet with practice tests to use if we wanted and is giving us the whole week to do whatever we want, History I usually do well on, but I just saw the review sheet and... wow. We learned a lot of shit in history. Stupid Rome.

In a late bout of organization I've made a sticky schedule and to-do list. Because I spend more time on the computer than with my agenda.

But do you care? You do not.

I wish I couldn't.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Been having fun on the internet lately...

SO... I found this amazingly cool site called The Selby, where they photograph really cool and interesting people in their "creative spaces". It's SO COOL! These artists and designers and chefs and stylists and writers with all sorts of beautiful houses and studios.

THEN I has chilling on the youtubes when I found this adorable video with Kate Micucci from Garfunkel and Oates. Grace totally rocks for introducing them to us. ANYWAY, it was called Dear Deer and it had a cute little toddler in a deer costume and this little kid as a hunter and it was ADORABLE! So then I went to Kate's site that was in the description and oohed and aahed over her acting bits in scrubs and some other shows. But then I was like "What about Riki?" so I went and found Riki Lindhome's site and SHE's been in a bunch of shows and movies and stuff too! Both of their sites are super cool, and I particularly enjoyed a long clip of a webseries Riki's appeared in, basically about a bunch of butch hardcore lesbians living in LA's criminal underworld.

WOO! I feel very tired. I also love National Geographic. And 60 minutes. They were reporting on this rehabilitation center is Saudi Arabia for "terrorists" released from Guantanamo, and they were showing these intimidating Saudi Arabian guys drawing pictures with crayons. It was so cute.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just when I get bored of the internet, this comes along.

It's ADORABLE! They have all this bad art and there are these dry, witty comments on them.


Ergh. Annoyed.

I'm still nursing a bit of animosity from this morning, where I was greeted warmly by my good friends Bridget and Gaia. I was excited to practice with them, since we are a band. I had practiced switching chords constantly. My fingertips are still sore. I also lugged my terribly heavy guitar on the bus. So, yeah, they noticed my guitar and turned sheepish.

Oh no, they can't practice because they have work to do.

Work that we promised we would always get done beforehand so that we would be able to practice every thursday. Gaia's excuse was that she had to stay late at school for some sort of orchestra event. Bridget's excuse was that she was home sick. Bridget, that was not a good excuse.

Anyway, yeah, I'm trying not to be all whiny, which I know I am being, but still. People have just been generally pissing me off lately. I think it's just because the school year is almost over and I'm SO ready to be able to not have to bitch about and listen to people bitching about schoolwork and shit.

Trying to shake the feeling I've reached some sort of impasse.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The song Upward Over the Mountain by Iron and Wine is my new soul. Scroll down and listen to it, it's terribly lovely.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First I went "eep." and then I giggled.

I love the weekends. Especially with my mom when my brother is out of the picture. My brother brings out the worst in everyone.

Anyway, on Friday we went to see Tony Kushner's new musical, Caroline, or Change. It was lovely lovely lovely wonderful fantastic marvelous. Just... wow. Go see it. Now. I can't even describe it, because I'll just rant on and on and nobody likes that.

Saturday was ruined because Turtle Bread was out of ham and cheese on croissant sandwiches after fencing. In fact, I don't even remember much of it, it's all just a blur of public radio shows and paper scraps all over the dining room table. ...Wait a sec. Oh, crap. I actually saw Caroline, or Change on SATURDAY. What did I do on Friday then? Um... Hm...

Then... today! ...What did I do this morning? I ate pancakes! And then... a girl scout meeting. But then! We went to St. Anthony Main for the film festival! We saw this french movie called Seraphine (it has an accent somewhere, I think) that was about this real artist who went insane. It was amazing. The acting was just ridiculously ingenious. And the scenery! She spent all this time outside and everything is this wonderful green and soft and misty grasses and leaves and yeah!

...I seem to have deteriorated. I have a feeling that I have homework to do that I wasn't aware of.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Good sort of music theme happening in my life.

Brought my guitar to school today. Felt like a pretentious poser but we found some songs to play. Con the church man is going to be the best band evah! Wheee! And yeah. I am having trouble coherently expressing my thoughts about this right now. There's a poem on the tip of my fingers but the tips of my fingers really hurt from playing a bunch. Still waiting for calluses...

And I got my record player today! EEEE!!! I can't actually play anything yet, since the speakers haven't come, but they might be here tomorrow! EEEE!!!! I had so much fun setting it up. And being excited. It is such a sexy little machine.

So YAY for music!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nothing new here. Still being tortured by the Fates. Terribly uncomfortable.

Monday, April 20, 2009


The Fates are torturing me.

That is all.

No I will not explain. That is not an invitation to ask, I just really wanted to say the phrase "The Fates are torturing me"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm thinking in an Australian accent right now. I wonder if that will help with the Australian accent I've been trying to cultivate...

So I had quite a nice day today.

Early morning was pretty okay. I had one of those uncomfortable dreams where you do something awkward with someone who you know in real life who you really don't like that way at all. So I was trying to get that out of my head.

Fencing was good afterwards, like it always is. And now I will never again have to fence for ten minutes straight against everyone in the class rotating, and then have them tell me what I did wrong. Wonderful sandwich at Turtle Bread, along with a delicious mexican brownie. Quick stop in the butch bookstore. You've never been in the butch bookstore? My goodness, you've never lived until you've seen lesbian erotica next to Harvey Milk biographies while the aged pixie cut owners in colorful clothes and funky glasses look on.

After a quick shower, my dear mother thinks a nice pedicure would be in order, so we go to that fake-hipster manufactered suburban neighborhood and get our toenails painted in eye blistering pink shades. Then we drop that scruffy little dog of ours off at the groomers, watching clearly uncomfortable dogs get their giblets shaved.

Then, bliss! It's official record album day! And just in time, because just yesterday my order was put in on Amazon for a record player and speakers. We zip on over to the Electric Fetus, and lo! The usually calm patchouli scented rows of records and CDs are bustling with audiophiles. I snag the last Arcade Fire record, and spend an eternity going through stacks of used records, searching for the perfect one. We leave with the Arcade Fire, and a Doors record, along with a Neko Case CD and a new one for us, The Fleet Foxes.

Fleet Foxes go in the CD player as we drive to pick up the unscruffified dog. Wonderful band. Soulful, beautiful indie rock pumped loudly out the windows. Dog is picked up, then pees on a rock outside of the Vietnamese restaurant where we are getting takeout. I hope fervently that no one notices, as he had a rather full bladder.

We glide home, soaking up the excitingly blue sky, and pop in a netflix while we eat our dinner. Danny Deckchair, a lovely movie. I reccomend it immensely.

Excuse me, I need to ogle my pretty records some more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



...If you don't watch Lost, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Bridget, don't say anything, you watch American Idol, I will never talk to you about television ever.

BUT HE'S BACK AND NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gaia, please stop giving babies negative body image.

I have not made a blog post in an exceedingly long time. Studies have linked this to my recent youtube addiction. But how could I NOT be addicted when it's full of terribly smart atheists who pwn silly theists?

I've been thinking about children lately. I guess I like the idea of them, the principle of them. Like, imparting your values on them while also teaching them to form their own opinions, and giving them weird names and homeschooling them and having philosophical conversations with them and telling them about when you were a kid... Of course that's a tiny fraction of the crap you have to do to raise a child. And what if they turned out lame and stupid or- Giffin forbid- preppy? What if they don't like you? What if you're a horrible parent? What if they think you're boring? What if they grow up and write mean things about you in a bestselling memoir?

Also, being pregnant. Obviously I have no idea what it feels like except sort of when I played the ridiculously pregnant Sarah Good in The Crucible. I guess it would be a little interesting to have something growing inside you like a parasite. Except it'd be terribly awkward. And then the whole "giving birth" thing. You know, I think when a mom first sees her baby, like, holds it or whatever, and she has that expression on her face, you know the expression? I don't think that she's thinking like "OH my goodness my baby is so beautiful", I think she's thinking "This thing came out of my vagina. Wow."

Hehe I'm awkward.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Um... *blushes*

...I made a youtube channel. And I made a video. And I'm planning on making more.

I don't know, maybe I'm still sick and I'm not thinking straight. Maybe tomorrow I'll be all embarassed.


Yes yes, I will tell you what it is.

It's apparently still processing or whatever, so whatever.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My mom is so cute when she tries to be all hip and globally aware by putting on the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. That movie rocks, BTW.

Eh, I'm too tired to blog properly right now, so you just get fun random thoughts.

I felt very philosophical today. Weird questions kept occurring to me.

Finally figure out why I suck at fencing recently! It's the damn preparations that everyone but me seems to be so good at! Ha, you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Feta cheese is super tasty in small amounts, but it's all gag-ifying when you have too much at once.

I really need to see West Side Story again, I haven't watched it in forever.

Once when I was younger, we had this weird DVD player, and the picture would randomly get super light and super dark. It was WEIRD.

Coleman just needs to give up. He's appealing again. And you know if the situation was reversed and Franken was doing all this Coleman would be telling him to back off, but Franken has gone along with it, while he still has the majority. Coleman is an embarrassment to Minnesota. He's the reason Minnesota has no representation in the senate at a time when we really need it. Fuck off, Coleman, just fuck off.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

EYEEEE!!!!! Squee :D

So I found this thing that makes haikus from phrases on your blog! It's so cute!
My blog:
Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
is painful cruel
and traumatizing losing
a library book
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
sing it with me in
my dreams and i'm frequently
at school what does that
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
echo effect i
fail but i found it woo joy
random subject change
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
the ones who attack
people who interest me
because the only
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
about shakespeare
so far http let's just be
grateful we never
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
fencing because it
gives you interesting wounds
and endorphins my
Created by Grahame

Bridget's blog:
Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
thing i'm passionate
about besides poetry
and literature
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
i warn you now that
that's over i have to
explain it i'm in
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
sadly proud of that
i will have a good time with
my jacket and once
Created by Grahame

Gaia's blog:
Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
eye of water what
mud ahhhhhhhh is that two freshmen
girls who happen to
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
where we keep bottles of
people souls and every
surface is covered
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
out at the coffee
shop on season he spars with
his friend a soldier
Created by Grahame

Neysa's blog:
Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
i love playing with
rocks and sharpening small sticks
for my birthday is
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
confused sam and
movie filled which was good
and warm god i hate
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
used the faucet
to spray me so i poured
all the times she'd had
Created by Grahame

Maya's blog:
Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
flash before dawn no
one was there to see if your
making mary sue
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
town i had often
wondered if it would collapse
on my head that way
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
read this but if you
never asked but sometimes
its best to leave it
Created by Grahame

I had far, far too much fun with this. I will be entertaining myself for hours now.

Please note that it takes like a second to do each one, as it does it automatically, so no, it didn't take hours, in fact, I probably did it for about 5 minutes.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

There are too many books to read! AGH Too much knowledge to absorb!

Against my better judgement, I purchased On the Road by Jack Kerouac today.

Might I remind you all that I still have 29 plays to read in about two weeks, and I also have to have Great Expectations finished by mid-April.

Yet still, all I've done today is watch The Office.

Oh well. It's just that bit that I read in Mr. Moos' room that made me really want it!

"They rushed down the street together, digging everything in the early way they had, which later became so much sadder and perceptive and blank. But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

It just reminds me so much of you guys and our whole group of friends and I love love love it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sorry my darlings, the internet is very flighty down here in Charleston, South Carolina, my current location.

Not really much to say about that. I mean, it's beautiful here, but whenever I'm in a beautiful place that should inspire me and excite me, I choke. My writing stops, and what I can hammer out usually sucks. I can never write anything about the scenery, because I can never find words for it. It's very annoying.

For some good news, I've finally picked up on the city. I was starting to write a story about Amery, but then it turned into a poem, so I wrote some fun poems for all the characters. This was on the plane. I get inspiration from the oddest places.

So then I started writing a little something from Adalyn's point of view. It's fun, actually. I should work on it, but I need to check the lighthouse story again. Yay for internet finally! And yay for not having to sleep three to a bed like I have for the past three nights! (My cousins left today. I miss them, but I do not miss the sleeping arrangements.

I also finally finished Troilus and Cressida. Now, of all the plays I've been reading, I disliked this one the most. With most of them I had periods of dislike that passed, especially with King Lear, but this one was really bad. I didn't know what was going on half the time, the story didn't even make any sense. So- Troilus loves Cressida, and they're in the Trojan war. Cressida doesn't love Troilus, then suddenly does, but randomly has to be given to a greek general by her father. The for no reason the Greeks just let the Trojans wander around their camp and chill out. Then there's a battle and some guys die. Then Troilus' friend comes up at the end and talks about how he wants to pass on his diseases. It was not a fun play. Even though it was supposed to be a comedy.

Thing I most dislike about Shakespeare so far: People randomly falling in love, the whole love at first sight thing, and then they'll totally obsess after just meeting someone once. Ugh.

Thing I most like about Shakespeare so far: The Fools! Wheee! I don't understand why they call them fools when they are obviously so smart. They make the "smart" people sound like fools. Fools ftw!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh, yeah...

New haircut, before I forget. I look a bit silly, huh?


Absolutely fascinate me. I love people, in the odd way I love things. You know, slightly stalker-ish-ly? Ah. Well. I was going somewhere with this.

I think that's why I love Postsecret and FML so much. Real people telling their stories. I love stories. True stories especially. When my family gets together, I love to just sit quietly at the table and listen to them swap stories. I want more!

Maybe the reason I am so obsessed with other people is because I'm secretly an extrovert. I'm always curious about other people, and I love hearing about them. I'm just a very shy extrovert. Quite shy, yes, for a extrovert's standards.

I also soak up so much from other people. Like, I really have no personality traits of my own. I have quirks, yes, and opinions, and I let those define me, but really my behavior is always influenced by my mood, so I wouldn't count on assuming how I'll react to something.

I wish people would tell more secrets to me and consider me a good listener. I love knowing secrets, and I never tell them. Unless you were going to, like, commit suicide or something. But yeah, I wish people would come to me more often. I like to be in the loop, yet I am so frequently out of it. I wish I could be like Frank, and have people mail their secrets to me. Of course, that's taken...

Why not email me a story? It doesn't matter if you are a friend of mine or simply happened upon this blog by chance. Tell me something that's going on, tell me something that happened a long time ago. Tell me a story. You can make a fake email so I get it anonymously, or just use your real email. Your story can be funny, sad, interesting, inspiring, whatever. Gosh, I just want to paper my walls with the lives of people.

Yes, I am a tad creepy. Oh well. Please, tell me a story anyway.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have recently fallen in love with Battles... ROCK-TECHNO-WEIRD WOO!


I just wanted to share my favorite site for lulzies. And a nice example pic. I suppose I could shower and blow dry my hair so I look decent enough to take a picture of my new haircut, but I won't, so there.

"I do profess to be no less than I seem"-Kent, from King Lear.

Soooo... I got back yesterday from a rather dull girl scout trip. The one really cool thing was that the woods around the camp we stayed at were super inspiring and I may be able to write a few poems soon.

I, uh, took a bit of a break from Lear because my mother was nice enough to buy me a bunch of Shakespeare in these lovely little books with some helpful definitions at the bottom of the page. So, yeah, The Taming of the Shrew was ridiculously sexist. I suppose the title would have given it away, had I known what a "shrew" meant in that context. I don't particularly feel like defining it, since, in fact, it is ridiculously sexist.

Gah, I have nothing else to write. I need to finish King Lear already.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Exercise endorphins! They clear the mind and make you happy. How I love them.

I got a haircut! It's about 4 inches shorter now, and very cute.

I like fencing because it gives you interesting wounds. And endorphins.

My lovely friend Neysa is staying with us. It is lovely.

My hair is dripping, I should dry it.


Er, oh dear, I'm quite behind on Shakespeare.

That is all, I believe. Goodbye!

Friday, March 20, 2009


My brain is rather boring, as of late.

Usually I have wonderful internal debates with myself, about peace and justice and morals and love and all that. Delicious internal conflict, constant reflection and dissection of past actions. All that normal stuff.

But recently... Well, boring. Wishing I could stop thinking, for a bit. But see, it's impossible, because my mind is screaming to itself "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!", and as it's doing this, I'm thinking. Ugh. I can't even stop thinking in my sleep, when it finally comes. I'll have weird dreams. I always have children or babies with me in my dreams. And I'm frequently at school. What does that mean? See? More thinking.

I wrote a bit of a rant from my mental debate. Gaia has it. It makes me sound a bit crazy, so... no, not going to post it. I suppose if I edited it or something it might make a passable poem, but eh... Too personal, I suppose.

I need, like, a devilishly interesting problem to work out. Ah, math soon. That'll be nice. Math is good for thinking and not thinking.

Pff. Thought.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cowards die many times before their deaths

- Julius Caesar.

Good suggestion for my next one, Gaia. Henry IV was torture. Except for Hotspur. What an awesome name is that?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I do NOT back down.

Yep, already regretting the whole "Hey, let's read all of Shakepeare's works in a month!" thing. See, by my count, that's 37 plays. I think Gaia said 46 yesterday, but I don't know, maybe I heard wrong. I certainly hope I did. SO... I've finished The Merchant of Venice. That's 36 to go. Nine plays a week... And they're HARD. Like, good, but, I'll be reading it, and get caught up in individual words, or suddenly become fascinated by the rhythm, and I will realize I don't actually understand any of it and have to go back.

I'm NOT reading the poems. NO NO NO! I still have to read stupid Great Expectations for school... Gah. So many books, so little time.

No more for today, All's Well that Ends Well is calling me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I caved... a bit.

I got a Twitter. I don't know, the idea of being able to chat with famous people... It was on a whim, really. You guys should try it. It seems pretty cool so far.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Let's just be the dirtiest little Russians!"

It was this whispered backstage wisecrack that was heard during the wedding scene of Fiddler today, which I went to again to be a stalker. Someone, probably Silas, since he had the mic, said that, and because of said mic, we all heard it.

...I laughed, very, very hard. I'm so sorry you all missed it.

If I were ever to jump off a bridge...

...Which I won't, but still, one should be aware of these things... it would be this one.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Heeee this is making fun of Bridget... well, not actually...

Well, a bit. I was bored and acting all writer crazy-like to make fun of Bridget's whole storyline in the story, but I actually came up with a fairly decent poem, albeit a slightly morbid one. Can't WAIT for this fabled emo poem contest that I keep getting assured Ars Nova is having.

Heaves, heaves
As your bits leak out
If only death were as sweet
As you were devout

The paint on your portrait
Is wet like your tears
And sticky, like the blood of
Your realized fears

Stand straight, damn you
Stand straight, I said
You have to look pretty
When we cut off your head

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Am I disturbing?

See, I've been on pundit kitchen too much recently, and maybe my brain is numb from that, but it's weird... I've been finding a few politician/world leaders strangely attractive. Maybe I shouldn't browse the internet late at night. But come on! Look at Ron Paul! Don't you just want to give him a hug? And then the middle guy, the Iranian president I think, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, looks like he's actually a celebrity playing the Iranian president in a movie. And, well, Putin. What a scary, scary sexy face. He walks around shirtless in camo pants. He is a scary man. But strangely attractive.

You know what? If you schmucks would edit the story more maybe I wouldn't be bored enough to post this creepy crap.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A warning...

If perchance, tomorrow, wishing to tease me for my manic obsession, you sidle up to my slyly, with a knowing grin and, in a smug voice with that undertone that you wouldn't be caught dead worshipping something such as this, ask "How was Lost, Anna?"

...well, depending on who you are you will either be punched, glared at, ignored, or all three (Not sure how it's possible but I'll manage it I'm sure).

There was no new Lost tonight, for an unspecified reason.