Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sorry my darlings, the internet is very flighty down here in Charleston, South Carolina, my current location.

Not really much to say about that. I mean, it's beautiful here, but whenever I'm in a beautiful place that should inspire me and excite me, I choke. My writing stops, and what I can hammer out usually sucks. I can never write anything about the scenery, because I can never find words for it. It's very annoying.

For some good news, I've finally picked up on the city. I was starting to write a story about Amery, but then it turned into a poem, so I wrote some fun poems for all the characters. This was on the plane. I get inspiration from the oddest places.

So then I started writing a little something from Adalyn's point of view. It's fun, actually. I should work on it, but I need to check the lighthouse story again. Yay for internet finally! And yay for not having to sleep three to a bed like I have for the past three nights! (My cousins left today. I miss them, but I do not miss the sleeping arrangements.

I also finally finished Troilus and Cressida. Now, of all the plays I've been reading, I disliked this one the most. With most of them I had periods of dislike that passed, especially with King Lear, but this one was really bad. I didn't know what was going on half the time, the story didn't even make any sense. So- Troilus loves Cressida, and they're in the Trojan war. Cressida doesn't love Troilus, then suddenly does, but randomly has to be given to a greek general by her father. The for no reason the Greeks just let the Trojans wander around their camp and chill out. Then there's a battle and some guys die. Then Troilus' friend comes up at the end and talks about how he wants to pass on his diseases. It was not a fun play. Even though it was supposed to be a comedy.

Thing I most dislike about Shakespeare so far: People randomly falling in love, the whole love at first sight thing, and then they'll totally obsess after just meeting someone once. Ugh.

Thing I most like about Shakespeare so far: The Fools! Wheee! I don't understand why they call them fools when they are obviously so smart. They make the "smart" people sound like fools. Fools ftw!

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