Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Blog!

I have a new blog! My old was... messed up. I couldn't log into it to save my life. So. New one. I will still be posting writing and stuff. I'm actually working on something pretty cool right now. Want a taste? 

"I have found that to be successful in life, you have to let go of the things you care about. You have to let yourself drift away from friends and family, quit walking your dog, never read your favorite book again. You must spend all of your time becoming more successful. That is the only way to have real success. The kind you hear about. Bill Gates, Donald Trump. The presidents, the CEOs, the owners the lawmakers. The ones who rule men. They don't care about you. Or anyone. They have their ambition to care about. That's it. Nothing else matters. 

"This raises the obvious question. Do you really want it that bad? I can see it. Your eyes have the cold glimmer that those soulless few covet. But you don't really want success. You just don't want to care anymore, don't you? You've had pain in your life, that's for sure, but I never knew you wanted to take it this far. I want you to think about this, think about what I found. You can't just turn your back on success once you've got it. Well, there is one way, but it's not for you. It's for the weak ones. Well, comparatively weak ones. They have their way. They turn their back on success and put a bullet in their brain, or turn around and jump off one of their shiny skyscrapers. You're better than that. So. Go home. Talk to the ones you have left. Decide if they're really worth leaving behind. Because you can't take them with you. You can try, granted. But you'll fail."

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a monologue! *gasp* 

Yeah, I'm toying with a spot of playwriting. It's a bit lame so far, but I'm working on it... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god!! Sounds ah-mazing! Keep going Anna!