Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Isn't erm a funny word? I mean, it's not a word, but still. It's weird. 


Soooo... Franken and Coleman, man. Are they still recounting or what? I saw some commercial that said to call Senator Coleman for your opinion on lobbyist something something. Does that mean he's officially won yet? I don't want him to win! He's lame! 

Mr. Hegg, drama teacher and director of The Crucible, was trying to give the character of Mr. Danforth, the deputy governor, some inspiration. So he told us a story about Norm Coleman. Apparently Normie was waiting behind this lady and her kid at an ice cream stand. He butts in front of her. She starts to kick up a fuss, and he turns around and says "Oh, I was going to pay for you." He's a snake! He just squirms his way out of any situation! And he had the huge smear campaign against Franken. 

They're finding more votes for Franken-dizzle all the time now. I hope he wins. And I hope that I don't sound stupid for saying all of this if someone has already won and I haven't been paying attention to the news lately. 

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