Monday, December 22, 2008

Hi... crap. I'm so ADD right now, I haven't even gotten dressed and I'm making a blog post. Hang on... I feel uncomfortable typing stark naked (TMI? That's me.) 

Okay, much better. Anyway... I haven't been on the computer for a while because my mom's been a *cough*ragingbitch*cough* (Ha... I kept typing couch instead of cough... ) Yeah, she took my laptop away... still not clear why... and suddenly it appeared on my bed. So then I was all "Go mom, but not really, because I still have a bunch of angry poems I wrote about you when I was bored, so yeah" 

Anyway again, I was listening to this song called "Longview" by Green Day (I love old Green Day stuff, it rocks. The newer stuff... not so much). The song is about being really bored and wanting to accomplish something, but lacking sufficient motivation to do so. That song is pretty much the story of my life during school breaks. I mean, I love not having to do anything, but then I feel like I should be doing stuff. So that song describes me a lot (except for the masturbation part, that's weird) You guys should listen to it. You guys should listen to the whole Dookie album, it's Green Day's finest work, in my opinion. 

Okay... I should probably be doing something right now, like getting ready for dinner. 

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