Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Insomnia rocks, man. Who needs sleep when you can have mochas? MMMmmmm.... mochas....

I like my dad's house, because I don't have to worry about making too much noise when I type late at night. You know, after they tell me to go to bed. Screw them. Lalalala... Was I going somewhere with this? Possibly. 

So... It doesn't feel like it's Christmas tomorrow. I never get that excited about Christmas, really. Partly because I'm an atheist, so the religious aspect is pretty much blah for me, and then the sickening commercialism, well, sickens me. I seriously saw a commercial that said "Only five shopping days left!" Seriously? So now Christmas is just about buying crap? 

I guess seeing my cousins and stuff is fun... sometimes. Well, Christmas Eve can be cool when I go to my paternal Grandpa's, because the cousins that I actually like are there. Allie, Katie, Frannie, kisses and hugs. The stepcousins are a bit iffy, but ah well. Except every other year we go to my stepmom's grandma's house instead. We went last year, but apparently she hasn't got much time left so we're going again. 

It's always so awkward there. Like, I don't know anybody. I'm never introduced to anybody, yet am somehow expected to know their names. I only see them once every two years, and have no idea who they are, plus there's never anyone close to my age, plus they're all conservative republican gaaahs. So, I get presents from them, but they hardly know me either, so it's always pretty wimpy, like they're making an effort to be more personal, but they pretty much have no idea who I am. I spend most of the time petting the dog. 

And then, of course, Christmas Day. In the morning there are presents. I didn't ask for much this year, as there wasn't much I wanted. I wanted some CDs (Don't knock CDs, man. What if computers take over the world and I wanna listen to music?) and a guitar, because since I quit violin I've been wanting to take lessons. My dad wants me to learn how to play piano, which I'm not totally averse to. After all that stuff, we go to my maternal grandparent's house, and all of those relatives are there. Pretty much all of those cousins annoy me greatly, especially the one closest to me in age (I think they're like, 11,12?) If I'm forced to socialize with them, they attack me. Like fifty kids jumping on me. I am not a good babysitter. So I just hide.  

So yeah, sorry for being such a Scrooge, I'm just lame I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You totally need some Christmas Magic!! Holiday Spirit!! What are you doing for New Years?