Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I find dogs exceedingly snuggly. On a scale of one to ten, I would give them eleventy for extra snuggle-osity

Yay! Finals are over! Woo! 

Haha no. It just feels like it. How lame is that? Of course, I'm not worried about my spanish final at all, because I'm absolutely beast at it. I've gotten perfect or practically perfect scores on all of my tests so far. So yeah, tomorrow will be a breeze. No studying tonight. Or, I should say, no need to study tonight. Because my definition of "studying" is a pretty loose one. I pretty much suck at studying. 

Like how I was "studying" today with peeps in Mr. Moos' room. That was pretty much scratching out a sucky outline for my essay, then sitting around chatting, watching fail videos on youtube, and occasionally helping people study (though most likely just annoying them, even if I really did want to help. Sorry! I was trying to help you guys with history yesterday but no one was listening! I suppose I tend to rant a bit. Like now.) 

I hope I can stay smart enough to slack off like this all the time.

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