Thursday, December 18, 2008

Now finals are REALLY over.

Okay, nobody hurt me for this, but I actually think this week has been kinda cool, in an odd way. With each final finished, a huge chunks of stress would just fall right off the stress wagon, and there would be more and more excitement for winter break. Was that just me? Oh, and hanging out in Mr. Moos' room bugging the poor studying seniors was fun. 

Today was pretty nice. I had my easy-yet-slighty-tedious-because-I-had-to-fill-out-100-bubble-thingies spanish final. Yes, there were 100 bubble thingies. I fucking hate those so much. For some reason they just freak me out. Whenever I answer them, I go, A, asshole, B, bitchface, C, cunt, D, dickhead, E, eggs. Sometimes I just pretend the E is an F. 

So tomorrow, since I haven't written anything in a while, and I heard about Bridget's boyfriend (Oooh! Bridget's boyfriend!) going on some sort of isolation trip because he's writing a book or something, I decided to do a mini version of that and stay in my room all day composing weird poetry. I'm not going to do anything on my computer, so it'll all be handwritten and wonderful. Of course, no one's going to be home anyway. And when they get home, my mom is expecting me to help get a christmas tree. A pox on christmas trees! Well, no, not really, no. A pox on mothers! Well, not that either. 

Well, I gotta go. Sorry if I don't answer emails tomorrow. I love you all (all two of you who read this thing) and you will all (two of you) be in my thoughts (but not prayers, because I'm an atheist) and... I lost my train of thought and I have to go 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU EVIL CHILD!! He's not my boyfriend!! I miss you!! Call me missy! We have got to get together!! You can see my new hair!! :) :)