Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. My head is starting to tighten up. I just know it's going to explode in a half hour or so. Fortunately my vision hasn't blurred or anything yet, so it won't be a migraine. 

I have gotten out of the habit of taking my phone to school with me, which sucks immensely today. I have tardy hall. Not fair! It is NOT POSSIBLE for me to get to Physics on time! I have NO OTHER tardies except the ones in that class. So right now I have pretty much no way of letting my parents know that I have to stay after school. I think I'll just borrow a phone to text my mom in tutorial. This whole tardy thing is idiotic anyway.  

I would skip, but apparently you lose the privilege of going home after the last final on Thursday if you don't go. And I don't want to have tardy hall next semester. 

Plus finals are soooo over-emphasized here. They keep saying they don't want you to overthink it or freak out. Don't they realize that saying all of that crap makes people think about it more, and panic? I'm not panicking, but I keep getting encouraged to panic. Like, oh, you need to get organized and make a study schedule and take it in small chunks! Shouldn't we just KNOW this without having to study craploads, since we've been learning it all year? 

Grrr... Ouch.

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