Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's your favorite Vivaldi Four Seasons Season?

Mine's Autumn. Or maybe Summer. It's a toss-up. Haha, Season's season.

My interesting observation about the school year so far: It favors schoolwork much more over socializing. Yes, very few friends in my classes. Just enough that I don't go crazy from loser loner-ness, but not any more than that.

Oh well. Hee I had Four Seasons stuck in my head all day except all weird and mixed up since I have no idea what order everything goes in. I was enjoying it. I just love that part that goes all... uhh... DoooOOOooo dooOOOooo DOOOOO! Obviously that's not very helpful but it's the best I can do. Go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kind of totally love you <3