Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Something of a profound day

Yes, actually. Quite profound.

At first it was nothing special. I did homework. Then we went to service.

We were helping seniors play bingo. I was paired up with an old man who was disabled. He sat in a wheelchair and looked like he was falling asleep most of the time. I had to put the chips on the spaces for him. Every once in a while, though, he would sort of wake up, and get excited. He might have been a stroke victim, because he couldn't really speak well and he had the sort of voice that people have when they've learned to speak again. Then another old man was placed at our table. He greeted the my old man jovially, and was responded to with what amounted to a string of gibberish. And it was sad because you could tell it was excited gibberish and he was really happy to see this other man. The other man stared at him for a little bit, at a loss for words. Finally, not taking his eyes from the man, he said "You look good."

I'm just going to completely skip over the extremely awkward and embarrassing event in the middle of the day here, except to say I apparently now have a date to homecoming.

Then in biology, Ms. J was talking to David and I, saying she put us together as partners because we would write a really good prairie plot study paper, and pretty much saying we were the only kids in the class any good at biology (This is true.) So I said, "Yeah, I like biology." Because I really do. And she replied "Good! It likes you!" Which was really a great compliment because I think ultimately I want to do something in the field of biology when I grow up. Like, conservation activism, ecology, life systems, things like that. So that's great.


Jo March said...

Ahhhhahaha that was so funny. Btw, "Robby" made you something special to officially "ask" you. "..."

Anna Power said...

Well isn't that nice. So I get to be embarrassed again tomorrow.

...How do you know this anyway?

Anna Power said...

*Is actually embarrassed in a good way and actually not that grumpy but yeah getting ready to cringe.