Monday, September 21, 2009

Bits and pieces... um something something semblance of a whole?

It's like "put together to create" or something like that.

I am thinking about the Walker right now, obviously. Y'know, since on the one wall it says that. I like the Walker. Most of the time. You have to be in the right mood to appreciate some of the stuff there.

I biked there this summer with my friend Ella. There was an exhibit there called "Live Forever" by a woman called Elizabeth. They were very pretty portraits of people. And they were good likenesses, but they weren't, like, uber-realistic, so it was all very organic and natural and pretty.

Also there is a sculpture there that never fails to freak the hell out of me. It is right by one of the entrances, and it is one of those mascots, y'know? Like football game ones, that freak me out anyway (Who's REALLY under there?), except it's sort of sprawled on the floor. It is SO scary. It looks like any second it's going to stand up and start murdering people.

We also sat on a bench facing the big windows in those couches with the headphones and listened to... John Cage, was it? Whoever it was, it was weird and hilarious. This dude telling the funniest stories. One was where he was visiting his aunt and helping her do laundry and she said "I love this washing machine more than I love your uncle." And then there was this really long story about a lady and her four cats and a chihuahua and how they all somehow got poisoned by shrooms. Or something like that.

I cannot remember some things well. Also there is a painting there that is just black. Also there is a talking dolphin. It answers questions.


Jo March said...

God I HAAAAAATE that poem. It's so DUMB!

Anonymous said...

You're wonderful Anna :]

Anna Power said...

the bits and pieces thing?

I never much cared for it myself. Or at least, I didn't think it was amazing enough to go on the wall in giant letters.

Jo March said...


Anna Power said...

No, you're a towel!!!!!!