Monday, March 2, 2009

Something that's been bugging me ever since McSame lost

Okay, you know how after McCain lost, everyone blamed it on Palin and pretty much shredded her to bits? This has always bugged me. Like this one woman singlehandedly destroyed the whole campaign. Don't get me wrong. I am no friend of Sarah Palin. She was pretty much an idiot an I would be scared with her as VP. But even her most steadfast supporters completely turned on her. You know, the ones who attack people who "flip flop".

I was talking about this with my dad a while ago. My dad is a republican, FYI. But he's not too bad. We were talking about all this stuff that had come out about Palin, like that she didn't know where a bunch of countries were and she stole a bunch of money or whatever. He was telling me that the only reason all this shit (whether it was true or not) came out from anonymous campaign helpers was because they wanted to be able to get a job. If they didn't blame someone for all the crappy campaigning, then future employers would think that these campaign people were crappy campaigners. So she's just the fall person.

Like, wake up, people. McSame's campaign was crappy even before he picked Palin. Remember that incredible stupid campaign commercial that had Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? Oh yeah, Obama's totally like Paris the whore. And then, when Obama mentioned that a lot of gas can be saved by driving more efficiently, and checking tire pressure, McCain handed out thousands of tire gauges to people that said "Obama's energy plan". Well Johnny, I hate to tell ya, but good tire pressure does save a lot of gas! What's your plan? Drilling Alaska and destroying the habitat of thousands of animals, not to mention marring on of the most beautiful places in the world?

Palin was bad, but she was not the only thing wrong with that campaign. Let's just be grateful we never had that creeper McCain for prez.


Jo March said...

It's because she's a woman. I'm not ultra-feminist or anything but trust me it's true. And also the accent might have a little to do with that...
I totally see your point that she's being a scapegoat and whatnot and all the random stuff about how "dumb palin is" is most likely not true, but I do think she's a major reason a lot of republicans decided to not vote for McCain.

Jo March said...

On- "My popularity in numerical form... Oh dear, I'm a loser"- wow. lot a zeroes there, eh hon? Too bad they're not on the other side...
And question: Out of curiosity, why "McSame"?

Anna Power said...

Because McSame would be the "same" as Bushers.