Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been what, three days?

I've already caved and bought a new skirt for chapel. But, but, this one's better! I won't have to wear tights! And it's longer and more pencil! ...I still feel dirty.

Anyway, this weekend I saw two plays in two days! You might also say I saw a play a day!

Okay, no more cheesy rhymes. Unless I'm forced into it. Like, a serial killer is standing with a gun to my head yelling "Kitten and mitten! Kitten and mitten!".

...I have no idea where that came from. But yes, I saw two plays this weekend. On Friday I saw Happy Days at the Guthrie. It was just... wow. I actually love and am terrified of the Guthrie. It's an amazing theater, but sometimes the architecture freaks me out in a totally beautiful way. I know that doesn't make sense. Just go to the Guthrie. You'll see what I mean. Anyway, Happy Days is not the sitcom. It is WAY different. It's pretty much about this lady who is stuck in the ground. It's all very symbolic and metaphorical, to the point where I was almost bored, because the whole show is just the lady stuck in the ground, with her husband lounging around. But here's the thing- I would have been bored if the actors were not so completely amazing. AMAZING. Sally Wingert, wonderful wonderful actress, is sitting in a pile of plaster dirt the whole show, yet the audience is eating out of her hand. Richard Ooms, the man, has a much smaller part, yet still managed to go from lazy indifference to submission to eventually becoming an animal in a human body. Marvelous play. Very spooky.

On Saturday, thanks to the absolutely lovely McCanna family, I was able to see Fiddler on the Roof. It was just spectacular. With a capital "SPEC". I'll admit, I had seen the show before at another high school, and was not super impressed with it. But I was just blown away with this one. Wonderful. Nothing was skimped on in this show. The acting was phenomenal. It was so fun to see all of my friends and people who I wish were my friends playing these characters. All of the main characters were a perfect fit for the actors! It's like, I KNOW these people bopping around onstage in their colorful clothing! The costumes were a definite win. Offstage, they looked ridiculous, but onstage... it was like magic. My favorite scene was the bar scene, watching all the cute nerdy drama boys prancing about.

I'm actually super glad that I didn't try out for Fiddler. I was sort of regretting the decision, but actually seeing the play changed my mind. I think I enjoyed watching it more than I would have enjoyed being in it. That said, be sure to catch me in next year's musical!

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