Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Absolutely fascinate me. I love people, in the odd way I love things. You know, slightly stalker-ish-ly? Ah. Well. I was going somewhere with this.

I think that's why I love Postsecret and FML so much. Real people telling their stories. I love stories. True stories especially. When my family gets together, I love to just sit quietly at the table and listen to them swap stories. I want more!

Maybe the reason I am so obsessed with other people is because I'm secretly an extrovert. I'm always curious about other people, and I love hearing about them. I'm just a very shy extrovert. Quite shy, yes, for a extrovert's standards.

I also soak up so much from other people. Like, I really have no personality traits of my own. I have quirks, yes, and opinions, and I let those define me, but really my behavior is always influenced by my mood, so I wouldn't count on assuming how I'll react to something.

I wish people would tell more secrets to me and consider me a good listener. I love knowing secrets, and I never tell them. Unless you were going to, like, commit suicide or something. But yeah, I wish people would come to me more often. I like to be in the loop, yet I am so frequently out of it. I wish I could be like Frank, and have people mail their secrets to me. Of course, that's taken...

Why not email me a story? It doesn't matter if you are a friend of mine or simply happened upon this blog by chance. Tell me something that's going on, tell me something that happened a long time ago. Tell me a story. You can make a fake email so I get it anonymously, or just use your real email. Your story can be funny, sad, interesting, inspiring, whatever. Gosh, I just want to paper my walls with the lives of people.

Yes, I am a tad creepy. Oh well. Please, tell me a story anyway.



Anonymous said...

All of my stories are pointless and very small... otherwise I would help.

Jo March said...

Once... in a far away land, there was a chicken. This chicken's name was Lillietta. Lillietta decided she needed to experience the world, so she flew to Switzerland. (She was a flying chicken). In Switzerland she realized her life's dream to make chocolate Jesus sculptures. These sculptures inspired controversy- and this made Lillietta very happy, for she was a hippy chicken. Then one day she died and turned into a tree. ...Idk.

Anna Power said...


Bridget, no story is pointless! And it doesn't matter how small they are. Just tell me something that happened to you... I don't know...

And Gaia, that was a lovely story, but I was really hoping to hear about YOU.

Jo March said...

...Oh. My most exciting (recent) story is just the one how ryan found out i like(d) him. but that wasn't exciting, and you've already read it... hm. I'll think.

Anonymous said...


Anna Power said...

Er, tell your friends, too!

Anonymous said...

I have a boyfriend .....

Anna Power said...

I know, Neysa told me! EMAIL ME ABOUT HIM!