Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

There are too many books to read! AGH Too much knowledge to absorb!

Against my better judgement, I purchased On the Road by Jack Kerouac today.

Might I remind you all that I still have 29 plays to read in about two weeks, and I also have to have Great Expectations finished by mid-April.

Yet still, all I've done today is watch The Office.

Oh well. It's just that bit that I read in Mr. Moos' room that made me really want it!

"They rushed down the street together, digging everything in the early way they had, which later became so much sadder and perceptive and blank. But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

It just reminds me so much of you guys and our whole group of friends and I love love love it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sorry my darlings, the internet is very flighty down here in Charleston, South Carolina, my current location.

Not really much to say about that. I mean, it's beautiful here, but whenever I'm in a beautiful place that should inspire me and excite me, I choke. My writing stops, and what I can hammer out usually sucks. I can never write anything about the scenery, because I can never find words for it. It's very annoying.

For some good news, I've finally picked up on the city. I was starting to write a story about Amery, but then it turned into a poem, so I wrote some fun poems for all the characters. This was on the plane. I get inspiration from the oddest places.

So then I started writing a little something from Adalyn's point of view. It's fun, actually. I should work on it, but I need to check the lighthouse story again. Yay for internet finally! And yay for not having to sleep three to a bed like I have for the past three nights! (My cousins left today. I miss them, but I do not miss the sleeping arrangements.

I also finally finished Troilus and Cressida. Now, of all the plays I've been reading, I disliked this one the most. With most of them I had periods of dislike that passed, especially with King Lear, but this one was really bad. I didn't know what was going on half the time, the story didn't even make any sense. So- Troilus loves Cressida, and they're in the Trojan war. Cressida doesn't love Troilus, then suddenly does, but randomly has to be given to a greek general by her father. The for no reason the Greeks just let the Trojans wander around their camp and chill out. Then there's a battle and some guys die. Then Troilus' friend comes up at the end and talks about how he wants to pass on his diseases. It was not a fun play. Even though it was supposed to be a comedy.

Thing I most dislike about Shakespeare so far: People randomly falling in love, the whole love at first sight thing, and then they'll totally obsess after just meeting someone once. Ugh.

Thing I most like about Shakespeare so far: The Fools! Wheee! I don't understand why they call them fools when they are obviously so smart. They make the "smart" people sound like fools. Fools ftw!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh, yeah...

New haircut, before I forget. I look a bit silly, huh?


Absolutely fascinate me. I love people, in the odd way I love things. You know, slightly stalker-ish-ly? Ah. Well. I was going somewhere with this.

I think that's why I love Postsecret and FML so much. Real people telling their stories. I love stories. True stories especially. When my family gets together, I love to just sit quietly at the table and listen to them swap stories. I want more!

Maybe the reason I am so obsessed with other people is because I'm secretly an extrovert. I'm always curious about other people, and I love hearing about them. I'm just a very shy extrovert. Quite shy, yes, for a extrovert's standards.

I also soak up so much from other people. Like, I really have no personality traits of my own. I have quirks, yes, and opinions, and I let those define me, but really my behavior is always influenced by my mood, so I wouldn't count on assuming how I'll react to something.

I wish people would tell more secrets to me and consider me a good listener. I love knowing secrets, and I never tell them. Unless you were going to, like, commit suicide or something. But yeah, I wish people would come to me more often. I like to be in the loop, yet I am so frequently out of it. I wish I could be like Frank, and have people mail their secrets to me. Of course, that's taken...

Why not email me a story? It doesn't matter if you are a friend of mine or simply happened upon this blog by chance. Tell me something that's going on, tell me something that happened a long time ago. Tell me a story. You can make a fake email so I get it anonymously, or just use your real email. Your story can be funny, sad, interesting, inspiring, whatever. Gosh, I just want to paper my walls with the lives of people.

Yes, I am a tad creepy. Oh well. Please, tell me a story anyway.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have recently fallen in love with Battles... ROCK-TECHNO-WEIRD WOO!


I just wanted to share my favorite site for lulzies. And a nice example pic. I suppose I could shower and blow dry my hair so I look decent enough to take a picture of my new haircut, but I won't, so there.

"I do profess to be no less than I seem"-Kent, from King Lear.

Soooo... I got back yesterday from a rather dull girl scout trip. The one really cool thing was that the woods around the camp we stayed at were super inspiring and I may be able to write a few poems soon.

I, uh, took a bit of a break from Lear because my mother was nice enough to buy me a bunch of Shakespeare in these lovely little books with some helpful definitions at the bottom of the page. So, yeah, The Taming of the Shrew was ridiculously sexist. I suppose the title would have given it away, had I known what a "shrew" meant in that context. I don't particularly feel like defining it, since, in fact, it is ridiculously sexist.

Gah, I have nothing else to write. I need to finish King Lear already.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Exercise endorphins! They clear the mind and make you happy. How I love them.

I got a haircut! It's about 4 inches shorter now, and very cute.

I like fencing because it gives you interesting wounds. And endorphins.

My lovely friend Neysa is staying with us. It is lovely.

My hair is dripping, I should dry it.


Er, oh dear, I'm quite behind on Shakespeare.

That is all, I believe. Goodbye!

Friday, March 20, 2009


My brain is rather boring, as of late.

Usually I have wonderful internal debates with myself, about peace and justice and morals and love and all that. Delicious internal conflict, constant reflection and dissection of past actions. All that normal stuff.

But recently... Well, boring. Wishing I could stop thinking, for a bit. But see, it's impossible, because my mind is screaming to itself "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!", and as it's doing this, I'm thinking. Ugh. I can't even stop thinking in my sleep, when it finally comes. I'll have weird dreams. I always have children or babies with me in my dreams. And I'm frequently at school. What does that mean? See? More thinking.

I wrote a bit of a rant from my mental debate. Gaia has it. It makes me sound a bit crazy, so... no, not going to post it. I suppose if I edited it or something it might make a passable poem, but eh... Too personal, I suppose.

I need, like, a devilishly interesting problem to work out. Ah, math soon. That'll be nice. Math is good for thinking and not thinking.

Pff. Thought.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cowards die many times before their deaths

- Julius Caesar.

Good suggestion for my next one, Gaia. Henry IV was torture. Except for Hotspur. What an awesome name is that?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I do NOT back down.

Yep, already regretting the whole "Hey, let's read all of Shakepeare's works in a month!" thing. See, by my count, that's 37 plays. I think Gaia said 46 yesterday, but I don't know, maybe I heard wrong. I certainly hope I did. SO... I've finished The Merchant of Venice. That's 36 to go. Nine plays a week... And they're HARD. Like, good, but, I'll be reading it, and get caught up in individual words, or suddenly become fascinated by the rhythm, and I will realize I don't actually understand any of it and have to go back.

I'm NOT reading the poems. NO NO NO! I still have to read stupid Great Expectations for school... Gah. So many books, so little time.

No more for today, All's Well that Ends Well is calling me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I caved... a bit.

I got a Twitter. I don't know, the idea of being able to chat with famous people... It was on a whim, really. You guys should try it. It seems pretty cool so far.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Let's just be the dirtiest little Russians!"

It was this whispered backstage wisecrack that was heard during the wedding scene of Fiddler today, which I went to again to be a stalker. Someone, probably Silas, since he had the mic, said that, and because of said mic, we all heard it.

...I laughed, very, very hard. I'm so sorry you all missed it.

If I were ever to jump off a bridge...

...Which I won't, but still, one should be aware of these things... it would be this one.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Heeee this is making fun of Bridget... well, not actually...

Well, a bit. I was bored and acting all writer crazy-like to make fun of Bridget's whole storyline in the story, but I actually came up with a fairly decent poem, albeit a slightly morbid one. Can't WAIT for this fabled emo poem contest that I keep getting assured Ars Nova is having.

Heaves, heaves
As your bits leak out
If only death were as sweet
As you were devout

The paint on your portrait
Is wet like your tears
And sticky, like the blood of
Your realized fears

Stand straight, damn you
Stand straight, I said
You have to look pretty
When we cut off your head

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Am I disturbing?

See, I've been on pundit kitchen too much recently, and maybe my brain is numb from that, but it's weird... I've been finding a few politician/world leaders strangely attractive. Maybe I shouldn't browse the internet late at night. But come on! Look at Ron Paul! Don't you just want to give him a hug? And then the middle guy, the Iranian president I think, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, looks like he's actually a celebrity playing the Iranian president in a movie. And, well, Putin. What a scary, scary sexy face. He walks around shirtless in camo pants. He is a scary man. But strangely attractive.

You know what? If you schmucks would edit the story more maybe I wouldn't be bored enough to post this creepy crap.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A warning...

If perchance, tomorrow, wishing to tease me for my manic obsession, you sidle up to my slyly, with a knowing grin and, in a smug voice with that undertone that you wouldn't be caught dead worshipping something such as this, ask "How was Lost, Anna?"

...well, depending on who you are you will either be punched, glared at, ignored, or all three (Not sure how it's possible but I'll manage it I'm sure).

There was no new Lost tonight, for an unspecified reason.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Um, so, Twitter. I just read about it in the newspaper today. Yes, I am in fact so unhip that I have to read about things in the newspaper before I catch on. I had heard about it before but actually had no idea what it was.

So... Do any of you have a Twitter? I guess I should get one, but eh, maybe not. Seems like another thing I'd have to check every day, in addition to my email, my friend's blogs, my favorite webcomics, facebook, my old email, lolcats, that sort of thing.

But still, it would be fun to be able to chat with your favorite celebrities on Twitter and all that.

I need thoughts.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been what, three days?

I've already caved and bought a new skirt for chapel. But, but, this one's better! I won't have to wear tights! And it's longer and more pencil! ...I still feel dirty.

Anyway, this weekend I saw two plays in two days! You might also say I saw a play a day!

Okay, no more cheesy rhymes. Unless I'm forced into it. Like, a serial killer is standing with a gun to my head yelling "Kitten and mitten! Kitten and mitten!".

...I have no idea where that came from. But yes, I saw two plays this weekend. On Friday I saw Happy Days at the Guthrie. It was just... wow. I actually love and am terrified of the Guthrie. It's an amazing theater, but sometimes the architecture freaks me out in a totally beautiful way. I know that doesn't make sense. Just go to the Guthrie. You'll see what I mean. Anyway, Happy Days is not the sitcom. It is WAY different. It's pretty much about this lady who is stuck in the ground. It's all very symbolic and metaphorical, to the point where I was almost bored, because the whole show is just the lady stuck in the ground, with her husband lounging around. But here's the thing- I would have been bored if the actors were not so completely amazing. AMAZING. Sally Wingert, wonderful wonderful actress, is sitting in a pile of plaster dirt the whole show, yet the audience is eating out of her hand. Richard Ooms, the man, has a much smaller part, yet still managed to go from lazy indifference to submission to eventually becoming an animal in a human body. Marvelous play. Very spooky.

On Saturday, thanks to the absolutely lovely McCanna family, I was able to see Fiddler on the Roof. It was just spectacular. With a capital "SPEC". I'll admit, I had seen the show before at another high school, and was not super impressed with it. But I was just blown away with this one. Wonderful. Nothing was skimped on in this show. The acting was phenomenal. It was so fun to see all of my friends and people who I wish were my friends playing these characters. All of the main characters were a perfect fit for the actors! It's like, I KNOW these people bopping around onstage in their colorful clothing! The costumes were a definite win. Offstage, they looked ridiculous, but onstage... it was like magic. My favorite scene was the bar scene, watching all the cute nerdy drama boys prancing about.

I'm actually super glad that I didn't try out for Fiddler. I was sort of regretting the decision, but actually seeing the play changed my mind. I think I enjoyed watching it more than I would have enjoyed being in it. That said, be sure to catch me in next year's musical!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Just reporting that I AM in fact going to Fiddler tonight. Yay for Taylor, and her never-ending amazing-ness, and Yay for her mother, with her neverending charity of driving me places.

Also, this might reveal once again just how much of a nerd I am, but wouldn't our story make an awesome webcomic? You know, if one of us could actually DRAW. Or, you know, knew anything about webcomic-making. Sad, that.

But it would make a lovely webcomic.

Oh, Flippers

Dammit! I had this big long post almost done and now it's all gone!

...I will retype the thing eventually, but I'll need to recover from this frustration. I don;t even know what happened. I was trying to delete something and then it was just lost. FAIL.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


That's the sound of weeks of low level worry flying away. Don't you hate it when you lose a library book? Oh gosh, it's just... well, I was going to say torture, but no, it's not like torture at all. Torture is painful, cruel and traumatizing. Losing a library book just causes a lot of anxiety. You can never completely relax because at the back of your mind, that little annoying voice is whispering "Library book... ook... ook..." (That was supposed to be a creepy echo effect. I fail.)

BUT! I found it! Woo! Joy!

Random subject change!

Sometimes, when I have song stuck in my head (which really isn't sometimes but always, unless it's a poem) I really wish that I could just start singing it, and then the world would turn into a musical and everyone would sing it with me and we'd do fun dance moves and just generally clown around like cheeky little bastards. It would be amazing. We should try arranging that. I can see it now... people dancing on top of the lockers, sliding down the railings while singing doo-op really intensely.

I should make that part of my fake religion. Because, I figure, if you're going to make up a religion, you might as well enjoy participating in it.

Which reminds me that I should be writing. I'm trying to do the whole appearance of Mr. Moos/ Hugo Roth where I turn him into the messiah and whatnot.

May Giffin be with you all. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

42! The meaning of life, the univers and everything!

...God I wish Douglas Adams were alive today. I think we should have preserved his brain, like, put it in a tank with a whole bunch of sensors and scientifical thingamajiggies. And then we could transmit all the crazy shit that's been going on in the world to his brain, and he could come up with a perfect and delightfully clever and ironic solution.

For all of you uncultured morons, Douglas Adams wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's a wonderfully lovely and spectacularly amazing series. I love it love it love it love it. LOVE it. I need to reread those again. Except SOMEONE (My mother) lent out the first one to someone and we have never gotten it back.

Ok, completely different note. You know when you get shitloads of facebook notifications and they're all about random people you don't really know commenting on a photo of you? Am I the only one who freaks out a tiny bit at first that, like, someone photoshopped your head on a nude pic or something, and now everyone's calling you a slut. And you say to yourself "Pff. Please. It's obviously just a big group picture that your friends' friends' are commenting on. ...But there's always that moment of panic.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Something that's been bugging me ever since McSame lost

Okay, you know how after McCain lost, everyone blamed it on Palin and pretty much shredded her to bits? This has always bugged me. Like this one woman singlehandedly destroyed the whole campaign. Don't get me wrong. I am no friend of Sarah Palin. She was pretty much an idiot an I would be scared with her as VP. But even her most steadfast supporters completely turned on her. You know, the ones who attack people who "flip flop".

I was talking about this with my dad a while ago. My dad is a republican, FYI. But he's not too bad. We were talking about all this stuff that had come out about Palin, like that she didn't know where a bunch of countries were and she stole a bunch of money or whatever. He was telling me that the only reason all this shit (whether it was true or not) came out from anonymous campaign helpers was because they wanted to be able to get a job. If they didn't blame someone for all the crappy campaigning, then future employers would think that these campaign people were crappy campaigners. So she's just the fall person.

Like, wake up, people. McSame's campaign was crappy even before he picked Palin. Remember that incredible stupid campaign commercial that had Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? Oh yeah, Obama's totally like Paris the whore. And then, when Obama mentioned that a lot of gas can be saved by driving more efficiently, and checking tire pressure, McCain handed out thousands of tire gauges to people that said "Obama's energy plan". Well Johnny, I hate to tell ya, but good tire pressure does save a lot of gas! What's your plan? Drilling Alaska and destroying the habitat of thousands of animals, not to mention marring on of the most beautiful places in the world?

Palin was bad, but she was not the only thing wrong with that campaign. Let's just be grateful we never had that creeper McCain for prez.