Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is why I think anarchy would be a good idea...

So has anyone else been sort of following this whole Illinois senator controversy?

So, I'll summarize the facts. Barack Obama is elected president of the United States, and resigns his position as Illinois senator. It is then the governor's job, Rod Blagojevich , to appoint a senator. Of course, I'm sure we've all heard of good ol' Roddy's foulmouthed attempts to auction off the seat. He was discovered, and preparations were being made for his impeachment. Yet, before he was actually impeached, he appointed Roland Burris as Illinois senator.

Now, most of the democrats in the senate are calling for his resignation. This is causing some head scratching among republicans, because Burris is indeed a democrat. Maybe this shows something about republicans. Namely that they are slimy and underhanded and therefore approve of slimy underhanded things. Apologies to any republicans reading this blog, but still, come on.

This man, Roland Burris, is accused of lying UNDER OATH about his associations with Blagojevich. I believe he said at one point that he never contributed anything to Blagojevich, and later he said he contributed something to Blagojech's campaign, maybe.

Okay, let's just forget for now that Burris is suspected of anything. Now let's put ourselves in his shoes.

So. You're an innocent little senator hopeful, free of corruption, with a pure mind. You've looked up to your governor for years, when suddenly he's under suspicion for corruption and misconduct. You are horrified. However, before your governor goes to trial to eventually become impeached, he appoints you as a senator in Barack Obama's place. If you are truly innocent, and smart, you would not accept an appointment from a corrupt governor.

Look at it this way- Even if you are completely innocent, nobody is going to think that if you simply accept he appointment and head on down to D.C. to claim your seat. A senator accused of auctioning off the senate seat has appointed you. The more you demand to have this seat, the more people are going to think you paid for it, or are at least part of the corruption.

So my advice to Roland Burris- If you are innocent, just resign. Hopefully the next governor will be better, and will appoint you. Of course, right now you're undergoing a trial for perjury, so maybe you're not so innocent.


Anonymous said...

Hmm interesting thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Anna, watch "Lost Tapes" ... it's a series by Animal Planet. You just go watch those, then you tell me if anarchy is a good idea....

Tora Bora
Oklamhoma Octopus
Rachel Glen

it chills man. That's animal Anarchy... imagine that with people.