Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Are we on the island?" *CRAAAACK* "Holy shit!"

Okay, need inspiration? Take a shower, and switch the temperature from hot to really cold really fast.


Like, going in a sauna and then jumping in the snow, but better, because the only sauna I've been in is far from the snow so you lose all your heat running outside in your skivvies.

Oh, and, if you're a bit shallow like me, I read somewhere that rinsing with hot and then cold water makes your hair shinier. Woo.

Well, on to the meat of the matter (How cool of an alliteration is that? That's not even what I mean, I just wanted to say it! The meat of the matter... Rolls of the tongue, which is by the way T-O-N-G-U-E, so now none of you have an excuse to spell it wrong, I mean, why would you spell it tounge anyway? Toon-gay? What the hell? My goodness I've gotten off track.)

The meat of the matter- Has anyone else who had to do the outside poetry reading and read a bunch of poetry have random lines stuck in their head? If you don't go to Breck, has that ever happened to you just reading poetry for fun?

Here are all the random bits going through my head right now (Some of them might be wrong, I'm sorry. It's mostly Plath stuff, there might be a bit of others.): Love set you going like a fat gold watch, What a thrill My thumb instead of an onion, Ash ash you poke and stir flesh bone there is nothing there, We wear the mask that grins and lies, The tulips are too red in the first place, stupid pupil it has to take everything in, the water i taste is warm and salt like the sea and comes from a country as distant as health, the clear vowels rise like balloons, kamikaze man, red plush, dirty girl thumb stump, the big strip tease, herr god herr lucifer, bit my pretty red heart in two, attendants of the eyelash, i have let things slip a thirty year old cargo boat, little smiling hooks, the vivid tulips eat my oxygen, i do it so it feels like hell, your bald cry, my body is a pebble to them they tend it as water, cow heavy and floral in my victorian nightgown, and I eat mean like air

...I love poetry.


Anonymous said...

I saw a lot of Lady Lazurus in there. I love that poem. Sometimes that happens to me too. :)

I love you!! <3

Anna Power said...

Aw, thanks, I love you too.

Jo March said...


Fine- you just go have fun with your tong-gue then.