Friday, February 6, 2009

ugh UGH ugh!...

Okay, am I like bad luck or something? Seriously, every singly plan to get together with friends lately has completely fallen apart.

First the anti snow days party shopping trip. I was in the car ON THE WAY THERE when I suddenly got a call from Talia saying that nobody could go so it wasn't happening. Then the actual anti snow days party was canceled because all the people who didn't want to go suddenly did want to go. Then I was going to go shopping with two friends from my old school, but that was also mysteriously canceled.

And then of course I declined every snow days invitation. I still don't really want to go, but I'm pissed off because I'm going to be a huge loner this weekend while everyone else has plans.

But how weird is it that all of the plans backfired? Am I really bad luck? Or maybe (this is my super paranoid delusional idea) none of the plans were canceled, people have just been telling me that because they don't want to hang out with me? That would make a bit of sense. I have been pretty cranky and annoying this week, mostly because I have this terribly annoying cough and most of the time I just feel like crawling in bed. Also a certain time is coming up for me, not looking forward to that.



Anonymous said...

Ahh Anna! Ive got a killer cough to so it going to g round. Did you give it to me :]?

Jo March said...

Oh no! You found out! Yes and we hold these secret meetings after school in which we plot our newest "doomed plans" and then secretly record your face when those doomed plans fail and then sit around a 40 inch plasma laughing sardonically (at your face), drinking vintage champagnes... and discussing the stock market- cynically. or something.

...i'm terrible but i had an absolutely irresistable urge to do that... gah! sorry :)
i know what you mean though... I really wanted to go because everyone thought it would be lame! but then everyone else had to change their minds and make such a huge dramatic deal out of of it and i was just like "well fuck that..."

grrr. we should have done something today. i feel bad.