Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How utterly normal. How utterly normal.

You know what? I guess I am more of a Warhol with my writing. As Bridget and Gaia were describing it "Straightforward with an underlying meaning". I suppose they're right. Hmph. I love Sylvia Plath. I wish I could've met her. La di da!

But wait! I had something to announce! What was it?

I was excited about something... It's coming to me... Ah! Yes! Acting!

In Acting II we do a play for the semester or quarter or something. The play that we are going to do is called the Laramie project. I just wikipedia'd it (Not quite as flowy as googling, but it'll catch on, I'm sure) and it is going to be absolutely intriguingly wonderful. The play is based on a true story taking place in a town called Laramie. An openly gay teen called Matthew Shepard was kidnapped and beaten by two other guys and left for dead. He died of a brain injury and hypothermia. It was horrible. But there's been like, 3 movies about it.

Anyway, to create the play they interviewed around 200 people from this town. I'm pretty sure the play follows Shepard's kidnap and beating while also showing the points of view of the people in the town. Oh gosh I so excited! There's about sixty characters in the play, which in it's original version only consisted of 8 actors. There's 17 of us now. Did I mention how excited I am?! I do pretty well in acting. I'm wondering what kind of parts I'll get. I think in the female hierarchy of our acting class, I'm maybe a close second to Elizabeth, or maybe tied with Ahsha.

Excited! Can't wait for thursday! WOOO!


Jo March said...

that's AWESOME! i wish they did that for the school play...

you know who i most recently DESPISE? georgia o'keefe. just thought i'd put that out there... but yes yes you ARE a warhol!

Anonymous said...

Congratz and do well i wish I could act but I don't have the nerves for it. :]

Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey... that was Gaia. Not me. I dislike this whole, "let's compare ourselves to previously existing artists and shape ourselves." motif Gaia has going. Peow.