Friday, February 27, 2009

Heeere's what I did today!

1. Loll about in bed for a while
2. Watched the Royal Tenembaums (HILARIOUS! A must-see!)
3. Shed the pants for some jamming to my favorite radio station, the Current, obviously.
4. Poured water and sugar all over the counter just to make a mess
5. There was no poetry recitation on the coffee table today, but I did sit on it to eat a delicious bagel meditatively.
6. Washed the dishes
7. Shoveled the front steps
8. Trimmed this piece of hair on my bangs that's been bugging me forever.
9. Wrote "Life" in Sharpie on my stomach.
10. Finally got caught up on Questionable Content.
11. Organized girl scout cookie orders
12. I did put the pants back ON, eventually
13. Took a shower. Went through a scene in my shampoo bottle soap opera. (Still reeling after shaving cream can Becky's sudden suicide, Harrison the elitist oil bottle begins drinking and vents his sorrows to Nell, the insecure soap bottle who's been secretly lusting after him since her boyfriend Clay, the laid back hippie, started doing pot because he was introduced to it by Reggie, the shampoo bottle from the school of hard knocks, currently being pursued by Malik the face wash tube, a known Don Juan who's now decided to become a one woman man.)
agh the italics won't turn off DAMMIT!

Hello? Aw, fucking italics.

Hello? Yay! Italics are gone!!!!
14. Ate girl scout cookies.
15. Tried to light a candle and failed. That little shit would just not light.
16. Tried to play War with my dog. It was mostly a matter of making him sit still and not crawl onto my lap when I drew the card for him.

...And that's all I can remember. I love being home alone all day.


Jo March said...

13- omg! I do that too! But not quite like that...
Anna, babe, you so make my life.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. My life is so not that interesting...

Anna Power said...

Dude, I MADE all that interestingness. Make your own interesting.