Friday, June 5, 2009


Haven't had access to a computer in a week.

I've been sitting at home alone, draped over various pieces of furniture reading horrible guilty pleasure fantasy books. I did actually have a brief poetic mood in which I wandered around my room, writing terrible hilarious poetry on random bits of paper that were lying around. They are so bad they make me giggle with their pretentiousness. I am just way too pretentious to be a good poet, really.

So yeah, no computer. I was sorta thinking it might be fun, but then I realized I HAD NOTHING TO DO. Hmm... look around the house, there's my guitar. I can only play the three songs I know, because I can't look up tabs. Oh, look in the kitchen. All of our cookbooks are full of super hard recipes, can't look up anything easy. Oh, look at the garden. There aren't even any weeds. Oh, look at the nice sunny lawn. That gave me sunburn when I resorted to sunbathing. Oh, look at my bike in the garage. Don't know where to go without a map.

Pllllphbtht. I did go to my brother's graduation. It was sort of interesting. I got sushi afterwards, except I think it was actually sashimi because there was no seaweed.

I suppose I'll have to make myself a sandwich now.

1 comment:

Jo March said...

look how dependent you are on technology. disgusting, despicable, dull.