Friday, February 27, 2009

Captain Neeeeemo's submarine rooocks even though I never could figure out the physics of the damn skinny thing...

...That title was supposed to be hinting at steampunk, but oh well.

So... I know I've mentioned steampunk before in conversation or on here, but it's sort of, like, my dream wardrobe. A little.

I've been bored and wandering around the internet reading about steampunk fashion and movements and stuff. So, can someone please please please be steampunk with me?
I mean, I know I've got the whole quasi-androgyny thing going (HATE skirts! Yet I would wear one to be steampunk...) but still! Look at the pictures! It can be elegant and beautiful or casual and cool!

Heeere's what I did today!

1. Loll about in bed for a while
2. Watched the Royal Tenembaums (HILARIOUS! A must-see!)
3. Shed the pants for some jamming to my favorite radio station, the Current, obviously.
4. Poured water and sugar all over the counter just to make a mess
5. There was no poetry recitation on the coffee table today, but I did sit on it to eat a delicious bagel meditatively.
6. Washed the dishes
7. Shoveled the front steps
8. Trimmed this piece of hair on my bangs that's been bugging me forever.
9. Wrote "Life" in Sharpie on my stomach.
10. Finally got caught up on Questionable Content.
11. Organized girl scout cookie orders
12. I did put the pants back ON, eventually
13. Took a shower. Went through a scene in my shampoo bottle soap opera. (Still reeling after shaving cream can Becky's sudden suicide, Harrison the elitist oil bottle begins drinking and vents his sorrows to Nell, the insecure soap bottle who's been secretly lusting after him since her boyfriend Clay, the laid back hippie, started doing pot because he was introduced to it by Reggie, the shampoo bottle from the school of hard knocks, currently being pursued by Malik the face wash tube, a known Don Juan who's now decided to become a one woman man.)
agh the italics won't turn off DAMMIT!

Hello? Aw, fucking italics.

Hello? Yay! Italics are gone!!!!
14. Ate girl scout cookies.
15. Tried to light a candle and failed. That little shit would just not light.
16. Tried to play War with my dog. It was mostly a matter of making him sit still and not crawl onto my lap when I drew the card for him.

...And that's all I can remember. I love being home alone all day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh... Hi there...

Haha, it's only been a couple of days since I've posted. I'm falling behind! I'm the only one of us who all of you can trust to post way too much.

So, I watched the Laramie Project last night, the official movie. It made me cry a little. It also made me want to repeat the word "fuck" over and over until I die of starvation or asphyxiation or whatever.

On a lighter note, guess what the reason is for me not posting? I've developed an addiction to webcomics! They really are lovely. No syndicates *censors* on people's backs, so they can swear all they want and all that shit. Here are some of my favorites:

Questionable Content
I kinda want to live in this comic. It's lovely and hilariously hilarious. Marten, Faye, Dora and Pintsize <3!

Octopus Pie
The best part of this comic is Eve's pothead roommate and her lovely boyfriend. Very funky-cool.

I love this comic because I love math, but some of the programming jokes go "whoosh" over my head. Most of them are still absolutely hilarious though.

Webcomics FTW!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is why I think anarchy would be a good idea...

So has anyone else been sort of following this whole Illinois senator controversy?

So, I'll summarize the facts. Barack Obama is elected president of the United States, and resigns his position as Illinois senator. It is then the governor's job, Rod Blagojevich , to appoint a senator. Of course, I'm sure we've all heard of good ol' Roddy's foulmouthed attempts to auction off the seat. He was discovered, and preparations were being made for his impeachment. Yet, before he was actually impeached, he appointed Roland Burris as Illinois senator.

Now, most of the democrats in the senate are calling for his resignation. This is causing some head scratching among republicans, because Burris is indeed a democrat. Maybe this shows something about republicans. Namely that they are slimy and underhanded and therefore approve of slimy underhanded things. Apologies to any republicans reading this blog, but still, come on.

This man, Roland Burris, is accused of lying UNDER OATH about his associations with Blagojevich. I believe he said at one point that he never contributed anything to Blagojevich, and later he said he contributed something to Blagojech's campaign, maybe.

Okay, let's just forget for now that Burris is suspected of anything. Now let's put ourselves in his shoes.

So. You're an innocent little senator hopeful, free of corruption, with a pure mind. You've looked up to your governor for years, when suddenly he's under suspicion for corruption and misconduct. You are horrified. However, before your governor goes to trial to eventually become impeached, he appoints you as a senator in Barack Obama's place. If you are truly innocent, and smart, you would not accept an appointment from a corrupt governor.

Look at it this way- Even if you are completely innocent, nobody is going to think that if you simply accept he appointment and head on down to D.C. to claim your seat. A senator accused of auctioning off the senate seat has appointed you. The more you demand to have this seat, the more people are going to think you paid for it, or are at least part of the corruption.

So my advice to Roland Burris- If you are innocent, just resign. Hopefully the next governor will be better, and will appoint you. Of course, right now you're undergoing a trial for perjury, so maybe you're not so innocent.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

With pomp, with triumph and with revelling!

So, I saw Were the World Mine. An absolutely lovely amazingly wonderful movie that you all must see. It's at the Lagoon. Go see it. Now. Unless you're some sort of homophobe. And, if you are, quit reading this blog and slap yourself in the face a few times.

Anyway, I've decided Breck MUST do A Midsummer night's dream! MUST! ...MUST!

I'm reading it right now online, and I saw it at the Guthrie during the summer. It's amazing! Amazing amazing amazing! Plus, I wanna be a sexy fairy.

But no! Amazing!

I need help somehow putting the idea in Mr. Hegg's head and convincing him. It's SUCH a lovely play.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aw, she's a drag. We turn the sound down on her and say dirty things

So, I organized a writing folder on my computer, and I was reading some of my poems from a few months ago. I don't really remember getting a satisfactory ending from the one poem that frustrated me so much, but I guess I did. Most of them aren't half bad. Better than the crap I've been able to come up with lately.

The feet move like little bells
Tinkling along their merry way
Endlessly, but visions lie
They stop for the painful light of day
For if it glints off shining bells
The light itself is sure to stay

You must brave the depths of night
To join our sacred dance
Each dark second is a majesty
Each minute, a romance

In early evening small white toes
By themselves begin to tingle
And as the sun sinks down so low
Then the toes, the toes intermingle

So the sweet little bells
Shed dew of melted ice
They step into the workroom
Pounding rhythms to entice

Flashing silver in the night
We pull you by a chain
Feet shuffling, you inch along
Your steps make freezing rain

Will you join, oh will you?
As dance forgets the pain

...The last thing I remember thinking about this poem was how much I hated it. I don't know, I kinda like it now. And then I wrote this one, I just think it's sort of cute.

Had I the smallest chance,
I would leave, you know.

Take my favorite pair of shoes, the dirty ones, and maybe a book or a pen or two.
And get the hell out of here.

I would build a boat out of sticks and twine I picked out of dusty gravel roads.
And sail away to Iceland.

Once in Iceland, I would live in a cave by a bubbling geyser
And watch my dirty shoes get even dirtier
As I danced in bars while pickpocketing drunken Icelandic men.

Then I would use the crumpled tens and fives and sticks of chewing gum,
Along with a generous amount of duct tape
To construct an underwater castle
and learn the language of the fish

Once I was completely fluent, I would kick my way to the surface
In a diving suit of coral
And maybe some duct tape

I would swim, swim for thousands of miles
Until I found land
Upon which I would walk for thousands of miles.
Until I was back.

I would proceed to tell you exactly what I thought of you using the most heinous words I knew in the language of the fish.

And then
I would really leave

I think I was at my cabin when I wrote it? Hmm... Don't know what I was pissy about. I think I wrote a sort of prose poem thing at the same time, let's see... Ah, yes, this one.

The deep indigo and lavender, transparent green and sweet pale blue fade into each other, great swathes in the sky. The eye blends them together in a mixture of tones that shine like shimmering diamonds along the clouds.

But soon enough the colors fade, replaced by what amounts to the pulp left in an orange, the tangy bright vitality sucked away, with only a mushy mess as a prickling reminder of better, more fruitful times.

Times where we lay in the tall grass, legs splayed, peeling oranges and watching the sky, appraising it like a piece of modern art at the museum. Arms linked, we would toss the peels and gobble the pieces whole, popping sunbursts in our mouths while we silently considered the heavens.

But now the colors fade, and the pulp is left in the orange, and the memories of us turn mushy with age, trodden on by thoughts that used to seem so important, but I can’t remember why, perhaps simply to come before the shimmering memories, so that the pain of you never surfaces again. I know now that even the pulp is better than nothing to a starving child, so like a starving child I hold on to the fading sky that is you, and all I thought of you.

...So, yeah, old poetry. My writing is confusing me right now. After reading so much Plath, I've tried for more simple, non rhyming metaphor, straightforward, right? Sort of artsy, moody, slightly pretentious? Sometimes I like it, but sometimes I want to go back to this stuff. Like, the bells one. Only, the bells one is meaningless to me. It just sounds pretty. My current poetry is personal, well, the most current stuff that I haven't shown anyone.

...But I'm whining. I'll shut up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Are we on the island?" *CRAAAACK* "Holy shit!"

Okay, need inspiration? Take a shower, and switch the temperature from hot to really cold really fast.


Like, going in a sauna and then jumping in the snow, but better, because the only sauna I've been in is far from the snow so you lose all your heat running outside in your skivvies.

Oh, and, if you're a bit shallow like me, I read somewhere that rinsing with hot and then cold water makes your hair shinier. Woo.

Well, on to the meat of the matter (How cool of an alliteration is that? That's not even what I mean, I just wanted to say it! The meat of the matter... Rolls of the tongue, which is by the way T-O-N-G-U-E, so now none of you have an excuse to spell it wrong, I mean, why would you spell it tounge anyway? Toon-gay? What the hell? My goodness I've gotten off track.)

The meat of the matter- Has anyone else who had to do the outside poetry reading and read a bunch of poetry have random lines stuck in their head? If you don't go to Breck, has that ever happened to you just reading poetry for fun?

Here are all the random bits going through my head right now (Some of them might be wrong, I'm sorry. It's mostly Plath stuff, there might be a bit of others.): Love set you going like a fat gold watch, What a thrill My thumb instead of an onion, Ash ash you poke and stir flesh bone there is nothing there, We wear the mask that grins and lies, The tulips are too red in the first place, stupid pupil it has to take everything in, the water i taste is warm and salt like the sea and comes from a country as distant as health, the clear vowels rise like balloons, kamikaze man, red plush, dirty girl thumb stump, the big strip tease, herr god herr lucifer, bit my pretty red heart in two, attendants of the eyelash, i have let things slip a thirty year old cargo boat, little smiling hooks, the vivid tulips eat my oxygen, i do it so it feels like hell, your bald cry, my body is a pebble to them they tend it as water, cow heavy and floral in my victorian nightgown, and I eat mean like air

...I love poetry.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh look, the whiny attention whore's made her third post in the last half hour

...But how could I not share the most amazing postsecret secret EVER?

Erm, on a lighter note...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yes, I'm a bit late, but V day was just invented by candy companies anyway, so you'll pardon me if I forget to care.

If we can't live together, we'll die alone

...All alone.

I have anxiety problems. Nothing major, I'm pretty sure, just this... thing.

Whenever I'm alone, almost anything is enough to paralyze me with fear if I stop too long to think about it. Every door has someone hiding behind it, every light is ready to flicker out and leave me in darkness.

I don't know why I'm so paranoid. It's not like I watch too many scary movies, although the ones I do see affect me pretty strongly. It feels like I'm living all tensed up for something really big and frightening to happen to me.

Yeah, I know, it's just my imagination, damn that overactive thing. I wish it were a bit nicer to me. For every nice, quiet, pleasant little daydream there are half a dozen dark and twisted fantasies. I don't know, it just feels so... real, sometimes. I have actually made myself cry more than once with the pictures my mind creates.

I guess I wish it would stop, but then... I don't know... I'd be an unoriginal, uncreative drone? At least if I'm nuts I know I could one day do something so nuts that BAM!, it's actually beautiful.

In the meantime, I'll try to relax.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Best thing to do while home alone all day...

... Dance around the house to the Hawaii Five-O theme song which is for some reason on the Current...

....With no pants on.

P.S. With rainbow panties!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How utterly normal. How utterly normal.

You know what? I guess I am more of a Warhol with my writing. As Bridget and Gaia were describing it "Straightforward with an underlying meaning". I suppose they're right. Hmph. I love Sylvia Plath. I wish I could've met her. La di da!

But wait! I had something to announce! What was it?

I was excited about something... It's coming to me... Ah! Yes! Acting!

In Acting II we do a play for the semester or quarter or something. The play that we are going to do is called the Laramie project. I just wikipedia'd it (Not quite as flowy as googling, but it'll catch on, I'm sure) and it is going to be absolutely intriguingly wonderful. The play is based on a true story taking place in a town called Laramie. An openly gay teen called Matthew Shepard was kidnapped and beaten by two other guys and left for dead. He died of a brain injury and hypothermia. It was horrible. But there's been like, 3 movies about it.

Anyway, to create the play they interviewed around 200 people from this town. I'm pretty sure the play follows Shepard's kidnap and beating while also showing the points of view of the people in the town. Oh gosh I so excited! There's about sixty characters in the play, which in it's original version only consisted of 8 actors. There's 17 of us now. Did I mention how excited I am?! I do pretty well in acting. I'm wondering what kind of parts I'll get. I think in the female hierarchy of our acting class, I'm maybe a close second to Elizabeth, or maybe tied with Ahsha.

Excited! Can't wait for thursday! WOOO!

What a dismal morning...

Hmph. Mornings like this remind me of a certain fateful morning I spent on my front steps, waiting for the bus. I would assume that since I was waiting on my front steps, I was going to Breck at the time. I'm not sure if that's actually the case. I think I was going to Park. Maybe. I don't know.

Ah yes, but that morning. It had just been raining very heavily, but it had tapered off, leaving everything soaking wet, yet vibrantly clear to the eye. Nothing was dusty or faded. The world was like a shell freshly unearthed from the damp sand. A blanket of clouds still lay in the sky, but they didn't hinder visibility, they seemed to glow.

In my mind, I saw them walking. Or, rather, marching. At a snail's pace they marched, their tattered uniforms flapping against whitewashed bones. The skeleton march. They played a slow tune in a minor key, that started with low and breathy horns, pinches of snare drum, and perhaps an out of tune flamenco guitar.

I watched them blow into horns with their nonexistent lungs, as their feet clacked on the wet asphalt. I was entranced by this vision, overjoyed. It was beautiful. I wanted to march with them forever.

Then the bus came. But I still just have to hum a bit of the tune to be back to that morning.

Sigh, I'm odd.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ka-zap! Ka-zow! Kablam!

Okay, I have to say it. I love cartoons. Not the crap they play these days, but the cartoons we used to watch when we were little. I think our little age group just caught the tail end of the best cartoons ever. I may have ranted to a few about how much I enjoyed seeing Rocko's Modern Life again, or all the cartoons I missed, but seriously. They rocked. One example. Kablam! Ever watched it? It's AWESOME! Go onto and search for kablam.

Does anyone else agree with me that 90s cartoons were the absolute shiz? I'm talking Rocko's modern life, Kablam!, The Angry beavers, Catdog, Hey Arnold... I could go on and on.

Yay for immaturity!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ugh I could cry.

ugh UGH ugh!...

Okay, am I like bad luck or something? Seriously, every singly plan to get together with friends lately has completely fallen apart.

First the anti snow days party shopping trip. I was in the car ON THE WAY THERE when I suddenly got a call from Talia saying that nobody could go so it wasn't happening. Then the actual anti snow days party was canceled because all the people who didn't want to go suddenly did want to go. Then I was going to go shopping with two friends from my old school, but that was also mysteriously canceled.

And then of course I declined every snow days invitation. I still don't really want to go, but I'm pissed off because I'm going to be a huge loner this weekend while everyone else has plans.

But how weird is it that all of the plans backfired? Am I really bad luck? Or maybe (this is my super paranoid delusional idea) none of the plans were canceled, people have just been telling me that because they don't want to hang out with me? That would make a bit of sense. I have been pretty cranky and annoying this week, mostly because I have this terribly annoying cough and most of the time I just feel like crawling in bed. Also a certain time is coming up for me, not looking forward to that.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm on top of the Greyhound Station, won't you pleeeease come hooome...

I think I found the song that is my soul. I don't know why, so don't ask me, it just is. I was listening to the radio and suddenly I was dancing about the house pretending to be a 50s pinup model.

This should be the right one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I messed with my blog. That is all.

P.S.- Is that not the best picture of a blind puppy leaping through the snow? Doesn't it bring you such joy?


...I found another one. I need to see the Peanuts again sometime, I had no idea Peppermint Patty was gay. I'll have to take the test five more times to figure out the other ones. I mean, I know Spongebob, Velma...
EDIT: Okay, Tinky Winky isn't a surprise. Ah, Bert and Ernie. All the unresolved sexual tension... And then finally... Winnie the Pooh. My money was on Christopher Robin though. I was never sure if he was a girl or a guy, and now that I know he's a guy, I see he's a very... feminine little boy.

You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty!

Softball is the huge tipoff here...

As well as a "best friend" who loves to call her "sir"


Eh, I'm bored, so I've been taking a bunch of personality tests. I took the Myers-Briggs one and got ENFP or something like that. And then I took this other one.

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (46%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.
Orderliness (13%) very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion (76%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Of course, the traits it gave me were the best: messy, outgoing, open, self revealing, ambivalent about chaos, unpredictable, not good at saving money, social, likes large parties, likes to stand out, risk taker, quick to make friends, does not like to be alone, rash, fame seeking, sarcastic, craves attention, social chameleon, low self control, food lover, not rule conscious, weird, assertive, not a perfectionist, anti-authority, thrill seeker, vain, likes to fit in, reckless, emotionally sensitive, leisurely, trusting

...If only I was actually that cool. :D

Wait a second, I like to fit in and stand out? What?

Monday, February 2, 2009

A post to complain, which will probably descend into rambling about something else because I don't want to sound whiny and self-involved

Why must we do these English journals? I used to not mind them. But now, for some reason, I can't stand them.

And why must my mom know today whether I will be well enough to go to school tomorrow? Well, apparently she needs to know whether to schedule a doctor's appointment. I opted for school on the grounds that in my annoying life, the day of the doctor's appointment all my symptoms seem to magically disappear. Also I feel a bit sleepy, which is good news, I couldn't sleep at ALL last night. Stupid cough.

...And now I have no more thoughts to share, because I know I'm just making a blog post to avoid doing the last two entries of my journals. Did I mention I can't stand those things?

Wait! I just finished this book I borrowed from my friend call Boy Meets Boy. Three guesses what it's about, and the first two don't count. But still, it was absolutely splendid and utterly adorable. I wish the splendid town where it was set existed, because it was such a splendid place. I love the word splendid. It's so... splendid.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A word to the wise...

Don't have anything with espresso in it when you are sick and have an empty stomach.

The effect is sort of like being high (not that I know what that's like, I'm just guessing here) on uppers and downers at the same time. All jumpy and twitchy but dizzy and about to faint at the same time.

Woooo my hands are still shaking a little...

So yeah, don't do it.