Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My mom is so cute when she tries to be all hip and globally aware by putting on the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. That movie rocks, BTW.

Eh, I'm too tired to blog properly right now, so you just get fun random thoughts.

I felt very philosophical today. Weird questions kept occurring to me.

Finally figure out why I suck at fencing recently! It's the damn preparations that everyone but me seems to be so good at! Ha, you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Feta cheese is super tasty in small amounts, but it's all gag-ifying when you have too much at once.

I really need to see West Side Story again, I haven't watched it in forever.

Once when I was younger, we had this weird DVD player, and the picture would randomly get super light and super dark. It was WEIRD.

Coleman just needs to give up. He's appealing again. And you know if the situation was reversed and Franken was doing all this Coleman would be telling him to back off, but Franken has gone along with it, while he still has the majority. Coleman is an embarrassment to Minnesota. He's the reason Minnesota has no representation in the senate at a time when we really need it. Fuck off, Coleman, just fuck off.


Anonymous said...

Norm Coleman won in the first place! He has a right not to back off! I commend him for keeping on going- he deserves to be senator, not Franken.

Jo March said...

Um, no, Norm Coleman did not win, BRIDGET. They didn't count all the ballots. Franken rightfully WON the election, regardless of whether he is "deserving" in YOUR opinion.

Anonymous said...

What does it say about Minnesota if we elect a jokester and a porno as our senator?

Jo March said...

Lol! Oh Bridget. Oh oh Bridget. You are just so adorably naive. I love you.

Jo March said...

And by the way we DID elect him. No "if" about it.

Anonymous said...

No we didn't- NORM COLEMAN WON

Jo March said...

Um, no, he didn't. Franken won. He HAS THE MAJORITY.

Anonymous said...


Jo March said...

Irrelevant. Um, yeah, I'm sure there are. So how bout all those unregistered voters can REGISTER and then vote in the NEXT election- and then maybe Coleman would win. The point is that in this election HE DID NOT WIN so he should stop being a sore loser and get over himself.

Anonymous said...

How about those twins huh?

Jo March said...

Twins do NOT need a separate metradome when there are thousands of starving homeless people in Minnesota!

Anna Power said...

Um yeah, Bridget, Franken has the majority and STILL has it. And who cares about unregistered voters? They didn't vote, so they don't get a say. And UGH UGH UGH. Who cares if he was a comedian? Schwarzenneger was a creepy bodybuilder, Reagan was an actor, but no, they're REPUBLICANS, so it doesn't matter. Franken wrote ONE article that was in Playboy. He's NOT a porno. Dearest Bridget, you are about to cross the fine line between adorably naive and willfully ignorant.

...Sorry, I'm all sick and cranky today.

Jo March said...

Ow ow OWW! You got PONED girl! Oo-Oo-Oo!

Anonymous said...

That's one article too many- and who said I approved of Arnold or Regan either? You don't vote- so why are you giving a say?

Anonymous said...

No- I'm just cranky when on a loss of sleep and being ganged up upon!

Speaking of cranky - How are you feeling Anna?

Anna Power said...

Ah, Bridget, I didn't want to argue with you, but I will. Franken's article was a satire. In no way he was demeaning women, in fact, he was demeaning men who demean women. In fact, I believe that as a former comedian would make him more objective, because he used to get paid to see through Washington bullshit and turn it on its head. I didn't say you approved of them, but most republicans do. Do you object to changing one's career path? Are all politicians supposed to be Ivy League senator's sons who've done nothing but politics their entire life? And as for why I'm giving a say... I don't vote because I am not allowed to. It is illegal for me to vote. However, it is not illegal for me to have opinions and share them. If I could vote, I would. I might add that you don't vote either. We are different from unregistered voters who could vote if they wanted to, but are apathetic or lazy or whatever reason. They can give a say. Free speech. BUT if they don't vote, they don't count in an election, just as our opinions don't count because we are not allowed to vote.

Ugh, long and ranty. Been watching long and ranty youtube vids all day.

Anna Power said...

Oh, and I'm about the same, thank you for asking. Hope you get more sleep so maybe you can see reason and we can have this argument in person.

Jo March said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna Power said...

Now Gaia, that isn't very nice, now is it?

Jo March said...
