Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm thinking in an Australian accent right now. I wonder if that will help with the Australian accent I've been trying to cultivate...

So I had quite a nice day today.

Early morning was pretty okay. I had one of those uncomfortable dreams where you do something awkward with someone who you know in real life who you really don't like that way at all. So I was trying to get that out of my head.

Fencing was good afterwards, like it always is. And now I will never again have to fence for ten minutes straight against everyone in the class rotating, and then have them tell me what I did wrong. Wonderful sandwich at Turtle Bread, along with a delicious mexican brownie. Quick stop in the butch bookstore. You've never been in the butch bookstore? My goodness, you've never lived until you've seen lesbian erotica next to Harvey Milk biographies while the aged pixie cut owners in colorful clothes and funky glasses look on.

After a quick shower, my dear mother thinks a nice pedicure would be in order, so we go to that fake-hipster manufactered suburban neighborhood and get our toenails painted in eye blistering pink shades. Then we drop that scruffy little dog of ours off at the groomers, watching clearly uncomfortable dogs get their giblets shaved.

Then, bliss! It's official record album day! And just in time, because just yesterday my order was put in on Amazon for a record player and speakers. We zip on over to the Electric Fetus, and lo! The usually calm patchouli scented rows of records and CDs are bustling with audiophiles. I snag the last Arcade Fire record, and spend an eternity going through stacks of used records, searching for the perfect one. We leave with the Arcade Fire, and a Doors record, along with a Neko Case CD and a new one for us, The Fleet Foxes.

Fleet Foxes go in the CD player as we drive to pick up the unscruffified dog. Wonderful band. Soulful, beautiful indie rock pumped loudly out the windows. Dog is picked up, then pees on a rock outside of the Vietnamese restaurant where we are getting takeout. I hope fervently that no one notices, as he had a rather full bladder.

We glide home, soaking up the excitingly blue sky, and pop in a netflix while we eat our dinner. Danny Deckchair, a lovely movie. I reccomend it immensely.

Excuse me, I need to ogle my pretty records some more.


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your perfect day..

Jo March said...

EEEE! Electric Fetus Electric Fetus!!!!