Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gaia, please stop giving babies negative body image.

I have not made a blog post in an exceedingly long time. Studies have linked this to my recent youtube addiction. But how could I NOT be addicted when it's full of terribly smart atheists who pwn silly theists?

I've been thinking about children lately. I guess I like the idea of them, the principle of them. Like, imparting your values on them while also teaching them to form their own opinions, and giving them weird names and homeschooling them and having philosophical conversations with them and telling them about when you were a kid... Of course that's a tiny fraction of the crap you have to do to raise a child. And what if they turned out lame and stupid or- Giffin forbid- preppy? What if they don't like you? What if you're a horrible parent? What if they think you're boring? What if they grow up and write mean things about you in a bestselling memoir?

Also, being pregnant. Obviously I have no idea what it feels like except sort of when I played the ridiculously pregnant Sarah Good in The Crucible. I guess it would be a little interesting to have something growing inside you like a parasite. Except it'd be terribly awkward. And then the whole "giving birth" thing. You know, I think when a mom first sees her baby, like, holds it or whatever, and she has that expression on her face, you know the expression? I don't think that she's thinking like "OH my goodness my baby is so beautiful", I think she's thinking "This thing came out of my vagina. Wow."

Hehe I'm awkward.


Anna Power said...

You're ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I dig the new layout.

I also totally share your thoughts. I want to be a parent- but to a kid like you or Gaia not to someone like say... *shudder*