Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just when I get bored of the internet, this comes along.

It's ADORABLE! They have all this bad art and there are these dry, witty comments on them.


Ergh. Annoyed.

I'm still nursing a bit of animosity from this morning, where I was greeted warmly by my good friends Bridget and Gaia. I was excited to practice with them, since we are a band. I had practiced switching chords constantly. My fingertips are still sore. I also lugged my terribly heavy guitar on the bus. So, yeah, they noticed my guitar and turned sheepish.

Oh no, they can't practice because they have work to do.

Work that we promised we would always get done beforehand so that we would be able to practice every thursday. Gaia's excuse was that she had to stay late at school for some sort of orchestra event. Bridget's excuse was that she was home sick. Bridget, that was not a good excuse.

Anyway, yeah, I'm trying not to be all whiny, which I know I am being, but still. People have just been generally pissing me off lately. I think it's just because the school year is almost over and I'm SO ready to be able to not have to bitch about and listen to people bitching about schoolwork and shit.

Trying to shake the feeling I've reached some sort of impasse.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The song Upward Over the Mountain by Iron and Wine is my new soul. Scroll down and listen to it, it's terribly lovely.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First I went "eep." and then I giggled.

I love the weekends. Especially with my mom when my brother is out of the picture. My brother brings out the worst in everyone.

Anyway, on Friday we went to see Tony Kushner's new musical, Caroline, or Change. It was lovely lovely lovely wonderful fantastic marvelous. Just... wow. Go see it. Now. I can't even describe it, because I'll just rant on and on and nobody likes that.

Saturday was ruined because Turtle Bread was out of ham and cheese on croissant sandwiches after fencing. In fact, I don't even remember much of it, it's all just a blur of public radio shows and paper scraps all over the dining room table. ...Wait a sec. Oh, crap. I actually saw Caroline, or Change on SATURDAY. What did I do on Friday then? Um... Hm...

Then... today! ...What did I do this morning? I ate pancakes! And then... a girl scout meeting. But then! We went to St. Anthony Main for the film festival! We saw this french movie called Seraphine (it has an accent somewhere, I think) that was about this real artist who went insane. It was amazing. The acting was just ridiculously ingenious. And the scenery! She spent all this time outside and everything is this wonderful green and soft and misty grasses and leaves and yeah!

...I seem to have deteriorated. I have a feeling that I have homework to do that I wasn't aware of.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Good sort of music theme happening in my life.

Brought my guitar to school today. Felt like a pretentious poser but we found some songs to play. Con the church man is going to be the best band evah! Wheee! And yeah. I am having trouble coherently expressing my thoughts about this right now. There's a poem on the tip of my fingers but the tips of my fingers really hurt from playing a bunch. Still waiting for calluses...

And I got my record player today! EEEE!!! I can't actually play anything yet, since the speakers haven't come, but they might be here tomorrow! EEEE!!!! I had so much fun setting it up. And being excited. It is such a sexy little machine.

So YAY for music!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nothing new here. Still being tortured by the Fates. Terribly uncomfortable.

Monday, April 20, 2009


The Fates are torturing me.

That is all.

No I will not explain. That is not an invitation to ask, I just really wanted to say the phrase "The Fates are torturing me"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm thinking in an Australian accent right now. I wonder if that will help with the Australian accent I've been trying to cultivate...

So I had quite a nice day today.

Early morning was pretty okay. I had one of those uncomfortable dreams where you do something awkward with someone who you know in real life who you really don't like that way at all. So I was trying to get that out of my head.

Fencing was good afterwards, like it always is. And now I will never again have to fence for ten minutes straight against everyone in the class rotating, and then have them tell me what I did wrong. Wonderful sandwich at Turtle Bread, along with a delicious mexican brownie. Quick stop in the butch bookstore. You've never been in the butch bookstore? My goodness, you've never lived until you've seen lesbian erotica next to Harvey Milk biographies while the aged pixie cut owners in colorful clothes and funky glasses look on.

After a quick shower, my dear mother thinks a nice pedicure would be in order, so we go to that fake-hipster manufactered suburban neighborhood and get our toenails painted in eye blistering pink shades. Then we drop that scruffy little dog of ours off at the groomers, watching clearly uncomfortable dogs get their giblets shaved.

Then, bliss! It's official record album day! And just in time, because just yesterday my order was put in on Amazon for a record player and speakers. We zip on over to the Electric Fetus, and lo! The usually calm patchouli scented rows of records and CDs are bustling with audiophiles. I snag the last Arcade Fire record, and spend an eternity going through stacks of used records, searching for the perfect one. We leave with the Arcade Fire, and a Doors record, along with a Neko Case CD and a new one for us, The Fleet Foxes.

Fleet Foxes go in the CD player as we drive to pick up the unscruffified dog. Wonderful band. Soulful, beautiful indie rock pumped loudly out the windows. Dog is picked up, then pees on a rock outside of the Vietnamese restaurant where we are getting takeout. I hope fervently that no one notices, as he had a rather full bladder.

We glide home, soaking up the excitingly blue sky, and pop in a netflix while we eat our dinner. Danny Deckchair, a lovely movie. I reccomend it immensely.

Excuse me, I need to ogle my pretty records some more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



...If you don't watch Lost, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Bridget, don't say anything, you watch American Idol, I will never talk to you about television ever.

BUT HE'S BACK AND NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gaia, please stop giving babies negative body image.

I have not made a blog post in an exceedingly long time. Studies have linked this to my recent youtube addiction. But how could I NOT be addicted when it's full of terribly smart atheists who pwn silly theists?

I've been thinking about children lately. I guess I like the idea of them, the principle of them. Like, imparting your values on them while also teaching them to form their own opinions, and giving them weird names and homeschooling them and having philosophical conversations with them and telling them about when you were a kid... Of course that's a tiny fraction of the crap you have to do to raise a child. And what if they turned out lame and stupid or- Giffin forbid- preppy? What if they don't like you? What if you're a horrible parent? What if they think you're boring? What if they grow up and write mean things about you in a bestselling memoir?

Also, being pregnant. Obviously I have no idea what it feels like except sort of when I played the ridiculously pregnant Sarah Good in The Crucible. I guess it would be a little interesting to have something growing inside you like a parasite. Except it'd be terribly awkward. And then the whole "giving birth" thing. You know, I think when a mom first sees her baby, like, holds it or whatever, and she has that expression on her face, you know the expression? I don't think that she's thinking like "OH my goodness my baby is so beautiful", I think she's thinking "This thing came out of my vagina. Wow."

Hehe I'm awkward.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Um... *blushes*

...I made a youtube channel. And I made a video. And I'm planning on making more.

I don't know, maybe I'm still sick and I'm not thinking straight. Maybe tomorrow I'll be all embarassed.


Yes yes, I will tell you what it is.

It's apparently still processing or whatever, so whatever.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My mom is so cute when she tries to be all hip and globally aware by putting on the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. That movie rocks, BTW.

Eh, I'm too tired to blog properly right now, so you just get fun random thoughts.

I felt very philosophical today. Weird questions kept occurring to me.

Finally figure out why I suck at fencing recently! It's the damn preparations that everyone but me seems to be so good at! Ha, you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Feta cheese is super tasty in small amounts, but it's all gag-ifying when you have too much at once.

I really need to see West Side Story again, I haven't watched it in forever.

Once when I was younger, we had this weird DVD player, and the picture would randomly get super light and super dark. It was WEIRD.

Coleman just needs to give up. He's appealing again. And you know if the situation was reversed and Franken was doing all this Coleman would be telling him to back off, but Franken has gone along with it, while he still has the majority. Coleman is an embarrassment to Minnesota. He's the reason Minnesota has no representation in the senate at a time when we really need it. Fuck off, Coleman, just fuck off.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

EYEEEE!!!!! Squee :D

So I found this thing that makes haikus from phrases on your blog! It's so cute!
My blog:
Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
is painful cruel
and traumatizing losing
a library book
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
sing it with me in
my dreams and i'm frequently
at school what does that
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
echo effect i
fail but i found it woo joy
random subject change
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
the ones who attack
people who interest me
because the only
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
about shakespeare
so far http let's just be
grateful we never
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for ohnothingreallygrr
fencing because it
gives you interesting wounds
and endorphins my
Created by Grahame

Bridget's blog:
Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
thing i'm passionate
about besides poetry
and literature
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
i warn you now that
that's over i have to
explain it i'm in
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for spacylilshortyblog15435
sadly proud of that
i will have a good time with
my jacket and once
Created by Grahame

Gaia's blog:
Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
eye of water what
mud ahhhhhhhh is that two freshmen
girls who happen to
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
where we keep bottles of
people souls and every
surface is covered
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for tofollowknowledgelikeasinkingstar
out at the coffee
shop on season he spars with
his friend a soldier
Created by Grahame

Neysa's blog:
Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
i love playing with
rocks and sharpening small sticks
for my birthday is
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
confused sam and
movie filled which was good
and warm god i hate
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for splashesonrainbows
used the faucet
to spray me so i poured
all the times she'd had
Created by Grahame

Maya's blog:
Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
flash before dawn no
one was there to see if your
making mary sue
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
town i had often
wondered if it would collapse
on my head that way
Created by Grahame

Haiku2 for scribble-on-thewall
read this but if you
never asked but sometimes
its best to leave it
Created by Grahame

I had far, far too much fun with this. I will be entertaining myself for hours now.

Please note that it takes like a second to do each one, as it does it automatically, so no, it didn't take hours, in fact, I probably did it for about 5 minutes.